Basics of First Aid
Circulatory Emergencies

What are the goals of first aid?

1. Preserve life 

2. Prevent further injury 

3. Promote recovery


What are the four types of circulatory emergencies mentioned in class?

1. Heart attack/angina 

2. Stroke 

3. External bleeding

4. Shock 


What must all first-aiders do before assisting, helping, or touching a victim? Does the process differ between adults and children?

1. If the victim is an adult identify who you are and your credentials when asking them for permission to help. 

2. If it is a child identify who you are and your credentials when asking their legal guardian if you can help. If the child is alone, ask the child for permission. 


What does PPE stand for? Provide 2 types of PPE that are required when performing CPR and delivering rescue breathes.

1. Gloves 

2. Pocket mask 


What are the ABC priorities when dealing with respiratory and circulatory complications?

A. Airway

B. Breathing 

C. Circulation


What are the 5 components associated with primary assessment and what are the 3 components associated with secondary assessment?

Primary Assessment:

- Scene survey 

- Level of consciousness (AVPU)

- ABC's 

- Major bleeding 

- Mechanism of injury 

Secondary Assessment:

- Vital signs (respirations, pulse, pupils, skin condition, LOC). 

- Head-to-toe exam 

- History