"Visual" Dx
Damnatio memoriae
post hoc ergo proctor hoc
dubitando ad veritatem venimus

What Profession is this seen in:

Boxing, also rugby and wrestling
Auricular Hematoma 


In the 18th Century, doctors were baffled by a mysterious condition that affected many of the people of Derbyshire. The afflicted, were mostly women and suffered a swelling on the bottom of their throats. This was dubbed the Derbyshire Neck. What was the cause of this?

Iodine deficiency - Thyroid goiter 


In 1912 the titanic sank after failing to navigate some 300 icebergs. The next day only 300 bodies were recovered despite over 1500 losing their lives. But out of the tragedy one device was invented (initially designed to look for things at the bottom of the ocean) that we now use daily in medicine. What was this device?


The Ultrasound

In 1794, physiologist Lazzaro Spallanzani was the first to study echolocation among bats, which forms the basis for ultrasound physics. Then in 1877, brothers Pierre and Jacques Currie discover piezoelectricity which is what most devices today use (piezoelectric can both emit and receive ultrasound waves). Then in 1915, Inspired by the sinking of the Titanic, Physicist Paul Langevin was commissioned to invent a device that detected objects at the bottom of the sea. Laugevin invented a hydrophone – what the World Congress Ultrasound in Medical Education refers to as the “first transducer”.

Bonus Q: US first started being used in the 1940s by a neurologist Dr. Karl Dussik, what was he using it for?


"Fever had been noticed by primitive peoples to occur most often in persons who slept near marshes and other collections of stagnant water. This was a correct observation. The hypothesis arose that the miasma that rose from such places was the cause of the disease", What disease is being talked about?
BONUS Question: Daily Double
 "Then next that an evil spirit that dwelt in such mist entered the victims and was the cause of the trouble. Here was an example of what logicians call the undistributed predicate. The native case seemed to be proved by the fact that when people camped above the mist they were less apt to be attacked. " 

Malaria or Dengue depending on the part of the world

Bonus: The second observation is correct as well, but why would camping above the "mist" save you from getting infected?


Of more than 3,000 studies published from 2003 through 2017 in JAMA and the Lancet, and from 2011 through 2017 in the New England Journal of Medicine, more than one of 10 amounted to a “medical reversal”: a conclusion opposite of what had been conventional wisdom among doctors.

1.  What commonly used over-the-counter supplement thought to reduce the risk of heart disease has been shown to be ineffective based on a 2013 randomized controlled trial published in the NEJM,  yet continues to be used widely especially by the elderly

Fish Oil


Name the Disease:

Grave's Disease

Actually, the condition gets its name from Robert Graves, an Irish doctor who first described the condition in the 1800s 


To demonstrate the effectiveness of his antidotes to all " to all vegetable and some mineral poisons " Touéry (a pharmacist from Solomiac), In front of the French Academy of Medicine, ingested 1g of strychnine (ten times the lethal dose) combined with 15g of this substance, still used as a general purpose antidote for a variety of poisonings?



In April of 1955, a young girl named Susie Maison was displeased with her squeeze bulb nebulizer that she used to treat her asthma and asked her father, George Maison, MD, President of Riker Laboratories, the question, “Daddy, why can't they put my asthma medicine in a spray-can like they do hair spray?” A serendipitous convergence of circumstances resulted in this simple question leading to the development of an important new therapy, the MDI. what was the first medicine delivered via this route?

Epinephrine, or isoproterenol, either is acceptable, they were both approved and launched the same day, less than 2 months (on March 9th 1956) after Susie's question. 


"Some of the cases there is an element of fraud, but in most this is not so. A man suffers from bronchitis. He was gassed in the war. Is the former due to the latter?. Another example: A shell bursts in the vicinity of a group of soldiers. Most of them are unaffected and some may even treat the event as a grim joke. But a few suffer from so-called shell shock." what is the modern term for Shell shock?



2.  this commonly prescribed supplement/replacement therapy, has not been shown to benefit cognitive function, even if the patient has a documented deficiency..

 Based on this 2017 RCT published in JAMA



Name the Disease from this sign:

Moon Facies - Cushing's syndrome


One of the the more silly reasons for the conflicts in the middle east proposed is the presence of hypozincemia, this makes men irritable and belligerent. You get zinc in yeast, which is fine for your average loaf of bread, but there is a deficiency in the middle-east, can you guess why?


Because so much the bread is unleavened, hence doesn't use yeast

BONUS: What Australian/British spread (considered somewhat of  an acquired taste) would be the ideal solution to this "problem"  


James Lind a physician in the Navy born just over 300 years ago conducted the first ever clinical trial, what disease was he trying to treat?


Lind thought scurvy was due to putrefaction of the body and could be cured by acids. 2 months into a trip at sea, 12 sailors became ill. He split them into 6 groups of 2, each group received an addition to their normal diet. Group 1 – quart of cider, Group 2 – 25 drops of sulphuric acid, Group 3 – 6 spoonfuls of vinegar, Group 4 – half a pint of seawater, Group 5 – 2 oranges and 1 lemon, Group 6 – a spicy paste plus a drink of barley water.

Group 5 recovered by six days and were fit for work. This trial was ignored and the results not fully implemented for another 47 years until 1795 when the British Royal Navy would be convinced to routinely give lemon juice to its sailors.


"In ancient times treatment was at first empirical, and lower animals, who have quite a therapy of their own, never get beyond this stage. But man, being a thinking animal, started to theorize on the origin and nature of disease and its subsequent treatment,- and has thus advanced, although many of his theories have led to all sorts of mistakes and extravagancies. He had empirically found that cinchona relieved fever and ague, and in this was right, but his theory that the trouble was due to an evil spirit and that cinchona acted as a spirit-scarer was wrong. It is interesting to note that if we replace the idea of an evil spirit by the modern one of an infecting agent how near the ignorant savage was to the truth." What medicine does the cinchona tree contain and what disease does it treat?

Quinine and Malaria


3. To treat emergency room patients in acute pain, a single dose of oral opioids is no better than..
based on  large randomized clinical trial published in JAMA in 2017

a dose of ibuprofen/acetaminophen


Name the Disease:

Migraine (means half-skull)

The term migraine is derived from the Greek word hemikrania. This term was corrupted into low Latin as hemigranea, the French translation of which was migraine.


 Where does the 10,000 steps a day benchmark come from?

The 10,000 step benchmark originated from a marketing campaign rather than a specific health objective. A Japanese company (Yamasa Corporation) built a campaign for their new step-tracker off the momentum of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics


The first true "randomized control trial" was for an antibiotic used to treat TB in Post WW2 Britain. what was the Antibiotic being studied?



" It is in considering the results of treatment that one most commonly sees the fallacy that we are discussing..
Thus, in the treatment of pneumonia in children, Hipple, Goldsmith and Freeman showed a mortality following the intravenous use of mercurochrome of 5.7 per cent and one of 10.3 per cent in the controls, very convincing until one reads that the mortality rate in the London Hospital in 836 cases of the same disease in children, where only expectant treatment was employed, was only 1.7 percent"..
Mercurochrome known generically as Merbromin is still used today (not IV fortunately), do you what it is used for around the world(though currently banned in the US)?

Merbromin is an organomercuric disodium salt compound used as a topical antiseptic for minor cuts and scrapes and as a biological dye


4. Contrary to recommendations from professional societies, To protect against asthma attacks, it won’t help to keep your house free of dust mite, cockroaches and this common pest...
as demonstrated by a RCT published in JAMA 2018



Great Albums, Bad syndrome:

HELLP Syndrome

Album name : Help!


This picture demonstrates one of the most commonly quoted effects in experimental physiology: do what this is called?

Stroop effect - Demonstration of interference in the reaction time of a task 


Dutch physician and physiologist Willem Einthoven is considered the father of the EKG, with the first published EKG in 1902 and later demonstrating both normal and multiple types of arrhythmias in 1905. Do you know what device he used to record his EKG tracings?

BONUS Question: Daily Double

The First EKG:

String galvanometer- 1901 – Einthoven invents the Saitengalvanometer  using a fine quartz string coated in silver

Bonus: Why did Einthoven use the Alphabets PQRST for the waves on his EKG?


"..The value of treatment in the treatment of poliomyelitis anterior acuta is a case in point. Treatment must be given very early. Many cases that were not of this infection at all will be given the treatment since it must be given very early before diagnosis can be established, and of course many of these patients do not develop any paralysis in any case...  927 cases of the disease, 519 of which received the serum and 408 did not do so. Paralysis developed in 19.6 per cent of the former and only in 1 per cent of the latter. Also the mortality of the treated cases was 3.8 per cent as compared with one of 0.9 per cent in the controls."
Can you guess what the treatment was? (similar modality also used for COVID with equally questionable benefit)

Convalescent plasma 


5.  this supplement, widely used in ancient Chinese medicine and still is promoted as a way to preserve memory,  has been shown to be ineffective for the prevention of dementia based on at 2008 Federal study published in JAMA 

Ginkgo Biloba