Real Difficult EOC Technology
Severe Weather Policy & Procedures
Concepts in Emergency Management
Current News

Which vendor maintains the EOC Control Desk?

Third Coast Tech LLC

What is the size of the severe weather buffer zone for Oakland County

10 miles


This act gives FEMA responsibility for coordinating Government response efforts. The President’s authority is delegated to FEMA through separate mechanisms.

Stafford Act


Are emergency messages sent by authorized alerting authorities to your mobile devices via wireless service providers.

Wireless Emergency Alerts


Name one educational aspect of SWAW?

Planning and preparation

OakAlert promotion

Mid-week siren test

Gov/County special declarations


True or false: Audio inputs for the Comms Room are controlled by “EOC Audio” or “Comms Audio”?

Comms Audio


Who is responsible to monitor weather conditions and make determinations on severe weather in Oakland County.

On call specialist.


This act requires accounting for the needs of individuals with household pets and service animals before, during, and following a major disaster or emergency.

The PETS Act, 2006, shortly after Hurricane Katrina.


An organization responsible for coordinating emergency management/incident response activities and public alerting. Hint: we are one.

COG - Collaborative Operating Group


When and where are the next Skywarn Spotter trainings.

4/13 and 5/11 in Waterford


If you are unable to operate EOC technology, where can you find instructions?

Control Desk folder or the shared drive at 1.06 Technology folder


After hours, when should the on call specialist report to the office?

When NWS issues: Tornado Watch or Warning, Severe Thunderstorm Watch or Warning


PPD-8 is what?

Presidential Policy Directive 8: the Nation's approach to preparedness—one that involves the whole community, including individuals, businesses, community- and faith-based organizations, schools, tribal governments, and all levels of government


These types of messages can interrupt radio and television to broadcast emergency alert information

Emergency Alert System messages.


When will the new County website go live?

April 3


To reset the cable may need to be reset. Where and how?

Go in the server room and depress the button with the red light.


One of three instances to activate sirens.

· NWS issues a tornado warning or severe thunderstorm warning/winds with sustained speeds of 70 mph or greater, that includes all or part of Oakland County.

· NWS issues a tornado warning or severe thunderstorm warning/winds with sustained speeds of 70 mph or greater within a 10-mile buffer around Oakland County and the storm’s path is tracking toward Oakland County.

· Credible reports of tornado (on the ground) sightings in the same general location verified by 3 reliable spotters (police, fire, trained citizen spotters). Staff will consult with NWS on all reports received. Note: tornadoes are on the ground, funnel clouds are in the air


The 5 mission area of emergency management?

Prevention, protection, mitigation, response, recovery.


Supports messages up to 360 characters.

Wireless Emergency Alerts


When are the next round of KPIs due? Trick question

Always keep them up to date.


What is the process for resetting the WiFi routers?

Unplug for 10 seconds and plug in the same input.


One of three non-emergency instances that requires a tone alert.

Blizzard, ice storm, and winter weather warnings.


This approach is a means by which residents, emergency management practitioners, organization and community leaders, and government officials can collectively understand and assess the needs of their respective communities

Whole community approach


This executive order was establish to requires an effective, reliable, integrated, flexible, and comprehensive system to alert and warn the public 

Executive Order 13407


What does BTAT stand for?

Behavioral Threat Assessment Team