Prep time
What's happening?!
What do I do?!
The outer layers of the skin are scraped or rubbed off. Blood may ooze from ruptured capillaries. Caused by falls, so dirt and debris are frequently rubbed into the wound.
What is an abrasion?
Any device that immobilizes a body part.
What is a splint?
The team that can hit the button the fastest.
What is team number __?
Your friend has an allergic reaction and is wheezing, coughing, and experiencing dyspnea.
What is an asthmatic attack?
Position the patient in a sitting position with the head tilting forward. Pinch the nostrils together.
What is a nosebleed?
The break occurs diagonally across the bone, generally the result of a twisting force.
What is an oblique fracture?
The immediate care administered before complete medical care can be provided to an individual who is injured or becomes suddenly ill.
What is first aid?
Components of a first aid kit (name at least 10).
What is emergency phone numbers, hand cleaning antiseptic, pocket mask, antiseptic ointment, penlight, tourniquet, ammonia inhalants, scissors, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, disposable gloves, biohazard bag, cold pack, gauze pads, roller gauze, triangular bandage, elastic bandage, and adhesive strip bandages?
Your brother comes off the football field. He says he feels dizzy. He has a high temperature; red, dry skin; a rapid, weak pulse; and rapid, shallow breathing. He starts to lose consciousness.
What is heat stroke?
Wash the affected area. Immobilize the affected area and position it below the heart. Call emergency personnel. Don't apply ice or a tourniquet.
What is a snake bite?
A clean, smooth cut caused by a sharp cutting instrument, such as a knife, razor, or a piece of glass.
What is an incision?
A specially equipped cart for holding and transporting medications, equipment, and supplies needed for lifesaving procedures in an emergency.
What is a crash cart?
Any substance that causes illness, injury, or death if it enters the body.
What is poison?
Your niece comes in after playing outside. She vomits and falls unconscious, and she has a rapid pulse. There are puncture marks on her arm, which are swollen.
What is a poisonous snake bite?
Allow the wound to bleed freely for a few minutes to wash out bacteria. Clean the wound. Apply a dry, sterile dressing. Transport the patient to a medical facility.
What is a puncture wound?
The tearing of the ligaments of a joint. The affected area is painful, swollen, and discolored. May result from a fall, a sports injury, or motor vehicle accident.
What is a sprain?
A network of community resources, equipment, and personnel that provides care to victims of injury or sudden illness.
What is emergency medical services (EMS) system?
A grating sensation caused by fractured bone fragments rubbing against each other.
What is crepitus?
Your neighbor was in a car accident, but appears to be unharmed. He says he feels nauseous and lightheaded, and he's pale and sweating. Suddenly, he faints.
What is psychogenic shock?
Flood the affected area with large amounts of cool running water until emergency personnel arrive.
What is a chemical burn?
The bone is splintered or shattered into three or more fragments, usually caused by an extremely traumatic direct force.
What is a comminuted fracture?
A site on the body where an artery lies close to the surface of the skin and can be compressed against an underlying bone to control bleeding.
What is a pressure point?
Laws that protect an individual who administers first aid from being sued and found financially responsible for a patient's injury, except for under gross negligence.
What are Good Samaritan laws?
An acquaintance at a party suddenly loses consciousness and her body freezes up. The area around her mouth and lips turn blue, she urinates, and then she starts to jerk violently.
What is a tonic-clonic seizure (grand mal seizure)?
If conscious, give the patient glucose such as fruit juice, soft drinks, candy, honey, or table sugar dissolved in water.
What is insulin shock (hypoglycemia)?