Droppin' Beats (ACLS Drugs)
'Pressor' Cooker
Tubin' (RSI)
Dose of epinephrine (intravenous) during a cardiac arrest
What is 1 milligram (mg)? also accept "Whatever is in that prefilled syringe"
This vasopressor affects different receptors at varying rates of infusions.
What is Dopamine? D 2-5 mcg/kg/min B 5-10 mcg/kg/min A > 10 mcg/kg/min
Which 2 classes of medications are mainstays of RSI, pre-intubation?
What are sedatives and paralytics? Sedatives first!
A patient is unresponsive after potential heroin ingestion, what is your first-line treatment?
What is naloxone? 0.4-2mg once - the art of dosing Narcan
__ should be the highest priority treatment for symptomatic hyperkalemia.
What is calcium? 1 g of Calcium Chloride (caution if giving through a peripheral i.v. line) 3 g of Calcium Gluconate (less concerns with i.v. administration)
Mnemonic for remembering reversible causes of cardiac arrest (name at least 3).
What are the H's and T's? H's (Hyper/hypo-kalemia, Hydrogen ions [H+, acid imbalance], Hyper/hypo-thermia, Hypoglycemia [also hyperglycemia], Hypoxia). T's (Tension pneumothorax, Toxin [toxic ingestion], Trauma, Thromboembolism [PE], Tamponade [cardiac], Thrombosis [MI]).
This pressor should not be titrated to hemodynamic goals.
What is Vasopressin? 40 units i.v. once in a cardiac arrest/code; 0.04 units/min i.v. in every other situation
For patients >67 kg, the dose of etomidate is ___ mg.
What is 20 milligrams (mg)? 0.3 mg/kg, NTE 20mg
The treatment of (confirmed) rattlesnake envenomation is ___.
What is Crotalinae Antivenom (CroFab)?
This medication should be given with dextrose when treating hyperkalemia
What is insulin? In adults, regular insulin 10 units I.V. once (give the dextrose first in case you lose the line, etc).
Epinephrine is a mainstay of cardiac arrest resuscitation, and can be administered every __ to __ minutes.
What is every 3 to 5 minutes?
First choice vasopressor to maintain MAP >65 mmHg (Surviving Sepsis, 2012).
What is norepinephrine? Starting dose typically between 5-10 mcg/min
This paralytic can cause skeletal muscle fasciculations, often confused for seizure activity.
What is Succinylcholine?
Arrange these opioids in order of quickest onset of action. IV Hydromorphone (brand-Dilaudid), IV Fentanyl, PO Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen (brand-Lortab, Norco, Vicodin)
What is fentanyl (fastest), hydromorphone, hydrocodone/APAP (slowest, PO)?
This medication is thought to treat hyperkalemia by increasing the pH of the blood.
What is Sodium Bicarbonate? NaHCO3 (1 amp, 50 mL = 50 mEq) is typically given for hyperkalemia
ACLS (2010) recommends administration of this anti-arrhythmic medication for V-Tach and V-Fib refractory to defibrillation and a dose of epinephrine.
What is Amiodarone? (first dose - 300 mg; second dose - 150 mg)
Which pressor has greater affinity for the beta-adrenergic receptor, epinephrine or norepinephrine?
What is epinephrine?
For RSI induction without an intravenous (i.v.) line these two medications (1 sedative, 1 paralytic) can be given intramuscular (i.m.)
What are ketamine and succinylcholine? Different doses for i.m. and i.v. Ketamine 3-4 mg/kg i.m. (2 mg/kg i.v.) Succinylcholine 3-4 mg/kg i.m. (1 mg/kg i.v. [in adults])
Preferred route of epinephrine in a patient you suspect is suffering from anaphylactic shock.
What is intramuscular? 0.3 mg of 1:1,000 epinephrine IM
This drug may be used for pulmonary distress or treatment of hyperkalemia.
What is Albuterol? 10-20mg nebulized
ACLS Guidelines (2010) suggest this medication may be given in lieu of the first or second dose of epinephrine.
What is vasopressin? (40 units)
Which type of shock should you essentially never use pressors/inotropes to increase MAP, etc? Choose from: Septic, Cardiogenic, Neurogenic, Hypovolemic, Hemorrhagic
What is hypovolemia?
Rank the paralytics based on relative onset Vec, Sux, Roc. 1. ___ [fastest on] 2. ___ 3. ___ [slowest on]
What is Succinylcholine (sux), Rocuronium (roc) and Vecuronium (vec). This also is the order for their duration of action (sux is the shortest).
Name 3 antibiotics that 'cover MRSA' (community-acquired or hospital acquired).
What are Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim, Doxycycline, Clindamycin (comm aq), Vancomycin, Linezolid, Daptomycin, Ceftaroline, et al? If you name any of the others enjoy your career in Infectious Diseases.
__ and __ are two common treatments for hyperkalemia that are VERY incompatible if given concurrently (or without properly flushing the line)?
What are sodium bicarbonate and calcium (chloride or gluconate)? CaCl + NaHCO3 = Calcium Carbonate (aka Chalk, Tums, no more i.v. access in that vein)