Where is it?
Who you Gonna Call?
A Numbers Game
When Life Gets Messy
Grab Bag
Known as the "Red Book", this binder contains information about Actions to take in an emergency, as well as helpful tips

Where is the Site Manager Office?


Mr. Jones is at it again.  Left alone he pulled the cord in the restroom.  These devices alert staff that he requires assistance.

What are pagers?


It's always a good idea to know where your exits are.

What are two exits, one at the front and another through the door by Home Health and Hospice and down the stairs?


It was a busy day in the clinic.  These special kits are used to clean large amounts of blood and body fluids.

What is a Biological spill kit (located outside oxygen storage room)?


There are no locked doors, as long as you know where to find the keys (5 answers).

Where is the front desk, the transportation office, the ADH kitchen, the rehab gym, and the clinic?


This location is where you would find the Basic Emergency supplies, such as flashlights, batteries, a radio, and Mylar blankets 

Where is the back Admin Area, cabinet labelled "Emergency Supplies"


Mrs. Smith is having an emergency!  Hilda is on it, stopping at the end of the hallway to grab this essential piece of emergency equipment on her way.

What is the AED?


To use a fire extinguisher, you must PASS: Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep.  There are a total of ___ in the building.

What is 4 (Kitchen, hallway near front conference room, hallway near Admin area, and across from the breakroom)?

Ouch!  That hurts!  I was in the kitchen and cleaning solution splashed in my eye!  I better proceed here to find the eyewash station.

Where is the clinic, next to the restroom?


Did you know the Everett Site is set up with a phone paging system?  To identify which phones can be used to announce a page, look for this.

What is a white label stating "paging phone"?


What's that smell?  Oh no, there is a FIRE!  Time to pull the fire alarms, located here (2 answers).

Where is in the Hall outside the break room and in the main building lobby entrance?


Debebe is seen pushing this down the hallway and arrives just in time to save Mrs. Smith! He must have stopped in the clinic first to retrieve it.

What is the crash cart?


Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Stayin Alive, Stayin Alive.  This is the ratio of chest compressions to breaths recommended for Adult CPR.

What is 30:2?

While singing Happy Birthday to help you remember how long to wash your hands, you squeeze the dispenser and it's empty!  Good thing you know where the hand soap, sanitizer, and paper towels are stored.

Where is the supply room located near the participant restrooms?


In the event of a hostile intruder, these are the three actions to take.

What is Run, Hide, Fight?

(Of note, Everett doors unlocked 8:30-1:00.  Outside of that, they are badge only.  A GREAT place to hide would be gentle care--that room is always locked and accessible only by PACE badge entry)