How often must the RHC conduct exercises to test the emergency plan?
At least annually
How are employees notified of an impending closure for a predicted severe weather event?
Through the communication tree
If the RHC were to lose electricity during business hours, what 2 items can serve as a light source?
1) Flashlight
2) Flashlight on cell phones
Where is the meeting place in the event of an active shooter?
Tree line
Where is the meeting place in the event of a fire emergency?
By the tree across the parking lot
Describe how the RHC would use volunteers in the event of an emergency.
What are the 2 classifications of a severe weather emergency?
A predicted event and a sudden, unexpected event
If the RHC were to lose power during business hours, what 2 things need to be done immediately?
1) Move patients to the main waiting area or other areas where windows provide external light
2) Start the generator to ensure power is restored to the vaccine refrigerator and freezer
What is the code word for a disruptive or hostile person who is not armed?
What is the code word for an armed shooter?
Code Habanero
Code Dr. Danger
If possible, what item should be removed from the clinic?
Oxygen tanks
If the RHC is prevented from continuing operations at its normal location, in which alternate location would our patients be treated?
HSHS Holy Family Hospital
List the 3 types of sudden, unexpected severe weather events that have been identified in the Facility-Based All Approach Risk Assessment as the most likely to occur in the RHC's area.
1) Tornado
2) High Wind
3) Flood
If the RHC were to experience a water or sewage disruption, what 2 methods could be used to allow continued toilet usage?
1) Manual flushing
2) Plastic liner method
What steps should be taken in the event of an active shooter?
Define the RACE acronym and explain the situation in which it would be used.
Would be used when first encountering a fire emergency
What must the RHC complete to determine which emergency events are the most probable and/or pose the greatest impact?
A Facility-Based All Approach Risk Assessment and a Community-Based All Approach Risk Assessment
In the event of a flood, what phrase can be used to remind patients of the dangers of rising water?
Turn around, don't drown.
If the RHC receives instructions from law enforcement and/or first responders that differ from the instructions in the Emergency Preparedness Plan, what should be done?
Follow the instructions from law enforcement and/or first responders
In the event of an active shooter, how should patients and employees exit the building? Explain why this is necessary.
With their hands above their hand to indicate that they are unarmed
Define the PASS acronym and explain in which situation it would be used.
Would be used when using a fire extinguisher
Pull the pin
Aim at the base of the flames
Squeeze the nozzle
Sweep side to side
Define "shelter in place". The definition must include the area(s) in the RHC which cannot be used to shelter in place.
To "shelter in place" means to have a safe room or designated area(s) which have been agreed upon to be relatively safe for the situation. This will generally mean an interior room with no windows which is large enough to accommodate patients, visitors, employees, and providers until the immediate threat has passed. It shall not be a mechanical room, a room where hazards are stored, or an area that cannot be closed off.
In the event of a tornado or high winds, list the steps to be taken and include the individuals responsible for each step.
1) Move patients from waiting rooms to safe room (basement in west building) - front office staff and/or manager
2) Move patients from exam rooms to safe room - nurses and or providers
3) Obtain a headcount in the safe room
4) Inform Medical Director of number of individuals in safe room
5) Administer first aid if injuries have occurred
What 5 emergency supplies does the RHC keep and what are their locations?
1) Flashlights - in each exam room and bathroom without a window, each nurse station
2) Extra batteries - kitchen in west building
3) Bottled water - basement in west building
4) Emergency med kit - west building nurse station (by the front desks)
5) Generator - red shed
1) Use a calm but firm voice
2) Do not threaten the individual
3) Avoid aggressive counter-behavior
How can the RHC indicate to first responders that exam rooms and bathrooms have been cleared of employees and patients?
By closing the door and placing some type of marker on it (ex: sticky note)