What is the Medical Emergency Number
What is 799?
P.A.S.S acronym:
What is airborne Precautions?
Who is most at risk for Malignant Hyperthermia?
What is pts with history of and family history of MH?
Where is the Emergency Preparedness Guide?
What is Procedure hallway?
R.A.C.E acronym:
What is Remove/Rescue, Alarm/Alert, Confine/Contain, Extinguish/Evacuate?
This precaution only requires a mask (in addition to standard precautions)
What is the only drug to help treat MH?
What is Dantrolene?
Two types of emergency alerts (Four total)
What is medical, weather, security, facility?
Medical- Stroke, Trauma, etc
Weather- Tornado, etc
Security- Missing person, security lockdown, etc
Facility- Fire alarm, Evacuation, power failure, etc
What are the three elements that a fire needs?
What is Fuel, Oxygen and Heat?
Precaution that isolation gown for any contact with: Patient, Environmental surfaces, any other items in pt room
What is Contact Precautions?
What two things trigger MH?
What is Anesthesia gas and Succinylcholine (muscle relaxant)?
Where are the medical gas shut off located on our unit?
What is main hallway or outside of procedure rooms?
What are two heat sources that are found in Endoscopy?
What is Scope-light, Cautery or Electrical?
TB and COVID require what precautions?
What is airborne precaution?
Two early symptoms of MH?
What is increase in CO2, rigid muscles, or tachycardia?
Who can shut off medical gas flow?
What is All Employees?
Where is the fire safety policy located at?
What is sharepoint?
Standard precautions include: (list three of the five)
What is hand hygiene, PPE, sharps safety, cleaning and disinfecting or respiratory etiquette?
What is the first thing anesthesia will do when suspected MH?
What is turn of anesthesia gas or increase oxygen?