What should you check for before providing help to someone?
Scene safety
What type of burn is caused by mild heat exposure, such as sunburn or hot liquid?
First-degree burn
At what rate should chest compressions be performed during CPR?
100-120 compressions per minute
What is a common sign of an alcohol overdose?
What should you NOT do with embedded objects in a chest wound?
Remove them
In assessing a wound, what color of blood indicates life-threatening arterial bleeding?
Bright red
How should you treat a first-degree burn?
Run it under cool (not cold) water and apply ointment
When performing CPR on adults, how deep should the chest compressions be?
2 inches deep
What vital sign should be assessed first in a suspected overdose situation?
What type of material should you use to cover a chest wound to prevent air from entering the cavity?
A non-porous material or airtight dressing
What should you do if you encounter severe bleeding from a wound?
Apply direct pressure to the wound
What should you avoid when treating a second-degree burn?
Using ice or cold water
What is considered a normal response when performing chest compressions during CPR?
It is normal for the compressions to hurt and for ribs to break
What is a potential symptom of an overdose from stimulants like cocaine or methamphetamine?
Increased heart rate
What should you clean around a wound with to minimize the risk of infection?
A sterile cloth or gauze
When treating severe bleeding, how should you position the injured body part to help slow the blood flow?
Elevate it above the heart
In the case of a third-degree burn, what should you do regarding clothing that is stuck to the burn?
Do not remove the clothing that is stuck to the burn
Why should two hands not be used for chest compressions on an infant?
Because the heart and body of an infant are much smaller
What medication is used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose?
Naloxone (or Narcan)
In the event of a chest wound, why is it crucial to cover the wound effectively?
To prevent air from entering the chest cavity?
If blood soaks through the initial layer of gauze or cloth applied to a wound, what should you do?
Add another layer without removing the previous one
For a first-degree burn, why is it important to avoid using cold water instead of cool water?
To prevent shock to the skin which can worsen the injury
For infants, how should you position your fingers when performing chest compressions?
Use two fingers placed in the center of the infant's chest just below the nipple line
Why should a person experiencing an overdose be laid on their side?
To prevent choking in case of vomiting
What is the primary concern with an open chest wound?
Disrupted lung function and breathing