The Nature of God
Joseph Smith
LDS Scriptures
LDS Culture

What is one difference between the Christian God and the LDS god(s)?

One God vs. many, immaterial vs. material, denial of the trinity, etc.


What was Joseph Smith's main position in the LDS church?

Prophet/Church President


What is the primary text of the LDS faith?

The Book of Mormon


What is the name of the worldwide gathering of LDS members that occurs twice a year?

General Conference


In LDS theology, what is the great apostasy?

Falling away of all churches shortly after the death of the apostles, in which the gospel and the priesthood were lost.


LDS doctrine denies the Trinity. What word do they use instead to for the three persons/gods?



How old was Joseph Smith when he received his first vision?



Who was sent to reveal the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith?



What tv show based on the Bible is currently popular in LDS circles?

The Chosen (Shout out to Brad)


What is the name of the current LDS prophet/church president?

Russell M. Nelson


Christians believe in sanctification. LDS members believe in a similar process that culminates in godhood. What is this process called?

Exaltation / Eternal Progression


When Joseph Smith entered the woods to pray encountering Heavenly father and Jesus Christ, who spoke first and what did they say?

A. Heavenly Father; "Joseph, in Thee I am well pleased." 

B. Heavenly Father; "This is My Beloved Son, hear Him!"

C. Jesus Christ; "Joseph, in Thee I am well pleased." 

D. Jesus Christ; "What is thy purpose in praying?" 

B. Heavenly Father; "This is My Beloved Son, hear Him!"


What four books do LDS members accept as authoritative?

The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price, and the Bible


What is the designated weekly meeting among LDS family members to study the gospel and spend time together (usually on Mondays) called?

Family Home Evening (I will also accept eternal family time)


How long does the average LDS mission last?

Two Years


Which one of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost does not have a physical body, and why?

The Holy Ghost so that he can be present with all LDS members.


Which items did Joseph Smith use to translate the Book of Mormon from the gold plates?

A. a stick and honey

B. a hat and a stone

C. a horse and a teapot

D. a quill and paper

B. Joseph Smith used a hat and a seer stone to translate the Book of Mormon.


What are the five saving ordinances listed in LDS scripture?

1. Baptism, 2.Confirmation, 3. Ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood (for men), 4. Temple Endowment, 5. Marriage Sealing


What popular LDS figure sang for a Disney film?

Donny Osmond


What are the three levels of LDS heaven and in what order (greatest to lowest)?

Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial


Complete this LDS quote. "Although the members of the Godhead are distinct beings with distinct roles, they are one in _______ and _______."

A. Purpose, Doctrine

B. Thought, Deed

C. Power, Authority

D. Truth, Love

A. Purpose, Doctrine.


Joseph Smith died in 1844. How did he die?

A. Died in a barn fire

B. Died to Dysentery

C. Murdered by an apostate from the LDS church

D. Killed by an angry mob

D. He was killed by an angry mob while awaiting trial in jail in Illinois.


Name four of the book names within the Book of Mormon

1-4 Books of Nephi, The Book of Jacob, The Book of Enos, The Book of Jarom, The Book of Omni, The Book of Mosiah, The Book of Alma, The Book of Helaman, The Book of Ether, The Book of Moroni, Words of Mormon


What four things are LDS members prohibited from using/consuming in the word of wisdom?

Alcohol, Tobacco, Coffee, and Tea


How many of the original twelve LDS apostles committed apostasy?

A. All of them

B. 8

C. 6

D. 11

B. 8