"My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all. The morning rain clouds up my window And I can't see at all, And even if I could, it'd all be gray, But your picture on my wall, It reminds me...
- Eminem, Stan
Hvad står CPU for?
Central Processing Unit
"Hasta la vista, baby."
Terminator 2
Hvornår fik kvinder stemmeret i Danmark?
A) 1815
B) 1890
C) 1915
D) Kvinder har ikke stemmeret
Steve Jobs kaldte sin virksomhed for "Apple", da det betyder "Victory, Wealth, Success" ifølge gamle skrifter.
"Steve Jobs named the company Apple because he liked the fruit"
"I hopped off a plane at LAX with..."
...a dream and my cardigan
- Miley Cyrus
Hvad står RAM for?
Random Access Memory
emil er bøs
"A Martini - Shaken, not stirred"
James Bond - Goldfinger
Hvad står DMC for i sætningen:
"We had a DMC"
Deep Meaningful Conversation
Dentes er Latin og betyder haleben.
🧢 🧢 🧢 🧢 🧢 🧢 🧢 🧢 🧢
Dentes betyder tænder.
"It's me, hi, I'm..."
- Taylor Swift
Hvilket tal svarer følgende til:
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
(I har 1 minut)
"Hello There..."
Obi Wan - Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith
Hvad står GDP for?
Gross Domestic Product (Bruttonationalprodukt)
At holde et nys inde kan resultere i et sprængt blodkar i øjet.
(UKn1gg4: blood vessel)
Very superstitious
Writing's on the wall
Very superstitious...
...Ladder's 'bout to fall
What type of encoding typically ends with ==
example: (dGhpcyBpcyBhbiBleGFtcA==)
Base64 (= is padding)
Hvilket Formula 1 team kører Lewis Hamilton for.
Scuderia Ferrari
En typisk sky vejer ca. 500.000kg
Researchers have calculated that the average cumulus cloud - which is that nice, white fluffy kind you see on a sunny day - weighs an incredible 500,000 kg
Skinhead, dead head, everybody gone mad
Situation, aggravation, everybody, allegation
In the suit, on the news, everybody, dog food
Hvad bliver følgende process kaldt (Flere rigtige svar)?
TCP Handshake
"Death is just another path, one that we all must take"
Gandalf LOTR
Hvilket dyr ser man i Firefox's logo?
Red Panda:
Unfortunately, people thought that the animal on the Mozilla Firefox logo was a fox. This "firefox" is actually a red panda which is a protected species in Asia. A mistake when translating red panda from Chinese to English is how we got firefox.
En typisk legoklods kan modstå op mod 850kg pres uden at knække.
Falsk - En legoklods kan modstå cirka 450kg.