What year was the movie Home Alone made?
A very angry public discussion between opposing viewpoints
Irate Debate
What cable network aired a show called Andy Warhol's 15 minutes?
Skydive, jump, airplane, Rip Cord, Open
Who was the first President of the United States to live in the White House?
John Adams
How many million popsicles have been sold since 1928?
61 million
an extremely strong, concentrated, fragrant smoke
Intense Incense
How many people orbited the Earth during the 1990s?
Fat, Oil, Fry, Lubricate, John Travolta
Which ancient civilization was known for its contributions to democracy and the Olympic Games?
What is the average number of people airborne over the U.S. in any given hour?
greatly fearing the cutting up of documents into tiny pieces using an office machine
Dreading Shredding
What was the first movie to gross more than $1 billion at the box office?
Mouth, Make-Up, Cosmetic, Red, Tube
Who was the president of the Confederate States during the U.S. Civil War?
Jefferson Davis
How many Kangaroos are in Australia?
25 million
a fine rain or mist that sounds like fat frying in a pan
Drizzle Sizzle
What nation imported the most U.S. frog legs in 2000-Australia, Estonia or France?
Grave, Stones, Dead, Funeral, Bury
Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States?
How many million tires are thrown away in the U.S. each year?
242 million
raised, red mark on a small, silver food fish cause by a blow from a whip
Smelt Welt
What Yankees legend called Al Gore and told him: "It's over."
Yogi Berra
Mother, Father, Children, Birth, Orphan
What was the name of the first successful English colony in America, founded in 1607?