What company runs fortnite?
What is the name of the Evelynn emote?
What is Touch Me?
How long can a roach live without its head?
What is 9 days?
What type of gamemode is fortnite?
what is a battle royale?
What emote is given to all players?
What is the "Nice" emote?
In what key do car horns honk?
What is the key of F?
How many seasons has fortnite had so far?
What is 9?
What is the order of release of the KDA prestige skins?
What is Akali, Kaisa, Ahri and Eve?
Which country has the largest average penile length?
What is the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
What gun in the game holds the most bullets?
What is a minigun?
Finish the title: "Sorcery: The _____"
What is "Sorcery: The Calamity"?
What is the circumference of the earth?
What is 24,901 miles?
Will accept answers 23,000-25,000
In season 5 of fortnite, a large cube appeared on the map. Thru season 5 and into 6, it left mysterious runes on the floor. This cube was given a common American name by the fortnite community. What is that name?
Who is Kevin?
What is the name of ONE of Emily's rune pages?
Demon Lady
What is the word for a "fear of long words"?
What is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?