What did Emily put up her nose as a child?
Light Bright peg.
What article of clothing do Emily and I have that are matching?
Snow boots.
Who had a huge crush on Casey
What was the name of Emily’s elementary school?
Elroy Elementary.
What has Emily loved to do since she was little
Who was Emily’s biggest partner in crime?
What did I dress Emily up in on winter days as a toddler?
Cute dresses and thick knitted tights.
Who says “I don’t know” a lot
What did Emily say every morning when getting out of the car at school?
”We have to go - we’re going to be late”!
What movie has Emily watched most often?
What did Emily do to Casey one summer day
Hit him in the eye with a rock from her sling shot
What did Emily wear most days in middle school?
Any clothing item she pulled out of her closet - even if it was too big and didn’t match.
Who wore slippers to school on a few occasions
Who called Emily “Bourne on the 4th of July”?
Mr. Phil.
What was Emily’s first venture into sewing?
Animal heads.
What is the context for the sentence “we’re just little kids trying to have some fun”
Markering on themselves.
What was Emily’s favorite sleepwear item when she was a toddler?
Tinker bell nightgown.
Which friend does Emily still hold a grudge against due to a comment she made in high school?
Tell the story of Emily’s first day of kindergarten, going into the school.
She walked up the steps away from me and Casey without looking back or waving goodbye.
What does Emily have a whole trash bag full of in our attic?
Care Bears.
What did Emily do after spending the night at a friends house
Fell asleep sitting on the couch eating a sandwich
What favorite shirt of Emily’s smelled like this
Bubble yum
What sneaky tactic did Emily use on casey
She would tell him to go get her something and when he didn’t want to she would coax him by telling him she would time him
What movie did Emily and I watch one day when she was sick and stayed home from school
Because of Winn Dixie
What did Emily and Casey like to do that involved using the oven?
Make figures out of clay.