What snack do you get when you Trick and Treat
What is Bjørks Last name
How many months in a year have 31 days in it
What is the heaviest animal in the world
Blue Whale
Finish the lyrics: I know you love me, i know you care. Just shout whenever and i be there........
You are my love, you are my heart
What is the name of that orange thing that you cut your face out of at Halloween
What is Emmas favorite food
What five colors are in the Olympic Rings
Blue, yellow, black, green and red
How long is a giraffe pregnant
14 – 15 months
Finish the lyrics: Sleep tomorrow, but tonight go crazy
All you gotta do is just meet me at the........
아파트, 아파트, 아파트, 아파트
아파트, 아파트, uh, uh-huh, uh-huh
아파트, 아파트, 아파트, 아파트
아파트, 아파트, uh, uh-huh, uh-huh
아파트, 아파트, uh, uh-huh, uh-huh
What is the most popular costume for Halloween
What is Viggas favorite color
Navey blue
Hvor mange striber er der på det amerikanske flag
How fast can a camel run
65 km/t
Finish the lyrics: You are my fire, the one desire.Belive when i say i want it that way............
Why do you celebrate Halloween
To honor the dead saints.
What is Bjørks dads name
Who painted the Mona Lisa
Leonardo da Vinci
Which animal can stand on its tail
Which Danish band hit in 2017 with the song "Deja-Vu"?
Scarlet Pleasure
Where did halloween come from
Samhain in ireland
What is Emmas cats name
Which Danish band has sold the most records in Denmark
Dizzy Mizz Lizzy
How heavy is an Emu
37 kg
What are the most streamed songs on Spotify
"Shape of you" (Ed Sheeran)