Emma's Childhood
General Art
Emma's Sports
Fun Facts on Emma
Emma's Life True or False

The place Emma was born

What is Medford, Oregon?


Andy Warhol famously painted these kinds of cans: Van Camp's Pork and Beans, Campbell's Soup, Starkist Tuna, Bush's Best Beans

Campbell's Soup Cans is a work of art consisting of thirty-two canvases, each painted with a Campbell's Soup can--one of each variety offered by the company at the time


Emma's favorite sport to watch

What is basketball?


Emma's favorite color?

What is red?

True or false, Emma has hiked the machu picchu trail.

What is true?


The name of Emma's dog

What is Lulu?


 Vincent Van Gogh sold this many paintings during his lifetime: 1, 27, 193, 842

Although he created more than 900 paintings, Van Gogh sold only one during his lifetime, "Red Vineyard at Arles" which was purchased by the sister of one of his friends.


Sports Emma has played competitively 

What is cross country, basketball, track, soccer, rugby?


Emma's favorite food?

What is thai food?


Emma had 7 pet lizards that she captured and kept at the house. True or false, she lost 2 in the house without ever telling her mom.

What is false?


The career Emma wanted to have at age 5

What is a nurse?


This quality is associated with peaches in Chinese art: illness, immortality, wealth, fertility 

Peaches symbolizing immortality (or the wish for a long and healthy life) are a common symbol in Chinese art. The Taoist god of longevity, Shoulao, is often depicted holding a peach, and Xiwangmu, the queen of immortals, is said to grow peaches in her garden.


Position Emma played most in Rugby

What is scrumhalf?


Emma's first BYU major?

What is illustration?


True or false, Emma lost her appendix and was hospitalized for multiple days.

What is false?


The items Emma collected growing up

What are glass animal figurines?


One of these Henri Matisse paintings was hung upside down at the Museum of Modern Art in New York for 46 days without anyone noticing: Le Bonheur de vivre, Les Capucines, Les Toits De Collioure, Le Bateau

Le Bateau ("The Boat"), a paper-cut by Henri Matisse, caused a minor stir in 1961 when the Museum of Modern Art in New York hung the work upside-down. It remained that way until the 47th day of the exhibit when Genevieve Habert, a stockbroker, noticed the mistake and notified a guard.


Event(s) Emma won gold in during her senior State Track and Field Meet

What is 4x4 relay, 800m, 400m, 300m hurdles?

Emma's favorite medium to work with in art

What is oil painting?


True or false, Emma has never broken a bone in her body

What is true?


The name of Emma's blanket 

What is Lovie?


Emma's favorite Utah artist

What is Colby Sanford?


The university Emma almost attended to play basketball



Emma's fastest 400 time

What is 58 seconds?


True or false, Emma went vegetarian for a year as a kid after watching a goat be slaughtered by hand

What is false?