Something to say to get a door to move + a kid show with a big bird.
What is Open Sesame Street?
I volunteer as tribute.
What is the Hunger Games?
What is Japan?
I am your father.
What is Star Wars?
Who invented the Lightbulb?
What is Thomas Edison?
Dark soda + a weapon that the police use
What is Dr Pepper Spray?
To infinity and beyond.
What is toy story?
What is Thailand?
Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
What is Forrest gump?
What tree do acorns come from?
What is Oak trees?
Finger licken good + a childhood disease
What is Kentucky Fried Chicken Pox?
Remember... With great power comes great responsibility.
What is Spider-man?
What is Spain?
I feel the need, the need for speed.
What is Top Gun?
Which country sees the most international tourists annually?
What is France?
Where an attorney learns + Group of tuna?
What is Law School of Fish?
Honey... Where's my Supersuit?
What is the Incredibles?
What is Philippines?
Why so serious?
What is the Joker?
What year did the first iphone release?
What is 2007?
Branch of the military and an invisible barrier.
What is Air Force Field?
I got a jar of dirt.. I got a jar of dirt.. and guess what's inside it.
What is Pirates of the Caribbean?
What is Haiti?
Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.
What is Madagascar?
Which person has won the most oscars?
What is Walt Disney?