the king of pop
what is Michael Jackson?
adult dogs have ___ amount of teeth
what is 42 teeth?
the amount of hearts an octopus has
what is 3 hearts
a Disney princess that has super long hair
what is Rapunzel?
the amount of elements that are on the periodic table
what is 118?
the Beatle that had dyslexia
what is John Lennon?
what is a chow chow?
a group of turtle eggs
what is a clutch?
Arial had to give something to Ursula to become human
what is her voice?
the hardest natural substance
what is a diamond?
the most famous Christmas song of all time
what is white Christmas
a dogs most developed sense
what is their smell?
the biggest animal in the ocean
what is a blue whale?
the names of Cinderella's step sisters
what is Anastasia and Drizella?
the speed that light travels
what is 186,000 miles per second?
the instrument that is named after a shape
what is the triangle?
the smallest dog breed
what is a Chihuahua?
a shark that can live in both freshwater and saltwater
whats a bull shark?
the amount of sisters that Arial has
what is six?
the name of the center of a atom
what is a nucleus?
the country that rihanna came from
what is barbados?
a dog that yodels instead of barking
what is a Basenji?
the part of a fish that may be found in lipsticks, nail polishes and mascara
what is Guanine?
the only Disney princess to be based on a real person
what is Pocahontas?
the scientific study of weather
what is meteorology?