Class Routine
About Ms. Detwiler

To enter the classroom you must have _____.

a. Your phone

b. Your student ID

c. A jacket

d. A starbucks coffee for Mrs. Cooper

b. Your student ID


If you were NOT absent and you turn in work late, Mrs. Cooper will accept it but _____% will be taken off.

a. 5%

b. 10%

c. 15%

d. 20%



What is our school mascot?

a. panthers

b. tigers

c. lions

d. jaguars

b. tigers


How old is Ms. Detwiler?

a. 32

b. 22

c. 28

d. 40

d. 28


What is a noun?

Person, place, or thing


The first thing you should do once you sit down is _______.

a. Grab your notebook

b. Turn in your homework

c. Write homework/classwork in planner

d. Read a book

c. Write homework/classwork in planner


If a student chooses to do essay corrections, they can only get up to a ____%.

a. 70%

b. 80%

c. 90%

d. Students cannot do essay corrections

c. 90%


6th grade ELA, Science, Math, and Social Studies are all located in which wing of the school?

a. E wing

b. F wing

c. G wing

d. H wing

c. G wing


What TV show does Ms. Detwiler like to watch?

a. Blue

b. Avatar the Last Airbender

c. Lizzie McGuire

d. Kim Possible

c. Lizzie McGuire


True or false? You can have your phone out if you finish all your work.

False. No phones allowed during the school day in any class.


What should you do after you write in your planner?

a. play games on your computer

b. read a book

c. do the warm up 

d. chat with your friends

c. do the warm up


Summative assessments (like essays) are worth ____% of your grade.

a. 50%

b. 60%

c. 70%

d. 80%

b. 60%


What's your counselor's name?

a. Mr. Nishimitsu

b. Mr. Mahoe

c. Mrs. Sanders

d. Ms. Ancog

b. Ms. Ancog


Name one thing that Ms. Detwiler finds inspiring

answers vary. Pinterest, Books/Reading, Traveling


What's something you can do if you finish an assignment early?

Answers will vary: iReady, check email, read...

What do you need to bring with you to school each day?

a. your charged Chromebook

b. your Chromebook charger

c. your computer mouse 

d. A & B

d. A & B


Define plagiarism.

Cheating, copying someone else's work, turning in work that is not yours, not citing your sources/where you got information, turning in work you submitted for another class.


When is lunch?

a. After 1st period of the day

b. Before advisory

c. After advisory

d. After 3rd period of the day

b. Before advisory


What middle school did Ms. Detwiler attend?

a. Ewa Makai Middle

b. Niu Valley

c. Kapolei Middle

d. Kamehameha Intermediate

c. Kapolei Middle


What should you do if your computer is not charged?

Plug in your computer and use a class computer


What is our 3 class rules?

Be respectful, responsible, and safe.

Quarter 1 is going to be focused on _____.

a. Narrative

b. Argument

c. Response to Literature

d. Poetry

a. Narrative


If Monday is a 2-3-1 day, Tuesday 6-4-5 day, Wednesday will be a ______ day.

a. 1-2-3

b. 4-5-6

c. 3-1-2

d. 5-6-4

c. 3-1-2


Name one of Ms. Detwiler's ethnicities

Japanese, Hawaiian, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Irish, Swiss


What should you do if you have to go to the bathroom during class?

Give signal/cross fingers to ask the teacher for permission, sign out, and take the pass.