Emotions as Response Patterns
Communication of Emotion
Feelings of Emotion
People with damage to this area of the brain show impairments of emotional reaction and demonstrate utilitarian moral judgment.
What is the ventromedial prefrontal cortex
This famous scientist believed that emotional expressions are innate, unlearned responses consisting of a complex set of movements, principally of the facial muscles.
Who is Charles Darwin
This theory states that emotion-producing situations elicit an appropriate set of physiological responses, which provide sensory feedback to the brain, and it is this feedback that constitutes our feeling of emotion.
What is the James-Lange theory
Low levels of this neurotransmitter can result in decreased activity of the prefrontal cortex and increased likelihood of utilitarian judgments.
What is serotonin
This kind of neuron is activated when an animal performs a particular behavior or when it sees another animal performing that behavior.
What are mirror neurons
The feedback from our own emotional expression helps to put us in another person's place, evoking this particular feeling.
What is empathy
Increased activation of this brain structure reflects an increased tendency for display of negative emotions.
What is the amygdala
In this phenomenon, some people with blindness caused by damage to the visual cortex can recognize facial expressions of emotion even though they have no conscious awareness of looking at a person's face.
What is affective blindsight
Particular facial movements along with changes in the autonomic nervous system produce this type of learning, so that feedback from these movements can elicit an autonomic response and a change in perceived emotion
What is classical conditioning
Agressive attack and predation can be elicited by stimulation of different parts of this brain region.
What is the periaqueductal gray matter (PAG)
In this neurological disorder, the patient cannot voluntarily move the facial muscles but will express a genuine emotion with those muscles.
What is volitional facial paresis
If a person with spinal cord damage can no longer feel the reactions from most of their body, should their feelings of emotional states increase or decrease in intensity?
What is decrease
In this process, the vmPFC inhibits the expression of a CR when an animal learns that the CS is no longer aversive.
What is extinction
This region of the amygdala receives inputs from the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and hippocampal formation.
What is the lateral nucleus
Studies have found that recalling past experiences that evoked feelings of emotion activates this cortex of the brain, which is involved in control of internal organs and detection of sensations received from them.
What is the somatosensory cortex