One goal of emotional regulation is to understand what?
Emotions you experience
naming emotions
Decrease frequency of unwanted emotions
decrease emotional vulnerability
decrease emotional suffering
Name 2 ways we communicate our emotions to others.
Facial expressions
body language
What does the PL stand for in PLEASE ?
Treat Physical Illness
In this module, DBT talks about how to build positive experiences. What is one way to do this in the short term?
Do pleasant things that are possible right now, be mindful of positive experiences, and be unmindful of worries
DBT believes that observing your emotions will allow you to let go of emotional suffering. How do you observe your emotion?
Note its presence, experience it as a wave, coming and going
Name one way to identify what you are feeling
Observe and describe the emotion
pay attention to your body
One function of emotions is to motivate us to….what
What does the E stand for in PLEASE ?
Balanced Eating
Pleasant activities must be done independently and cannot be shared with others?
Finish this sentence: Just because you are feeling an emotion, does not necessarily mean that you have to____?
Act on the emotion.
One thing that emotional regulation addresses a lot is how to reduce emotional....what?
When you “ride the wave” of impulses and let them run their course without taking action you are using what skill?
Feeling not acting
Using the skill ABC PLEASE helps prevent someone from being in what state of mind?
Emotion Mind
How can you be mindful of positive experiences?
Focus attention on positive events that happen
Refocus your mind when it wanders to the negative
We learned several things NOT to do when trying to experience an emotion. Name two things you should NOT do.
Don't try to get rid of the emotion, push it away, to keep it around, or to hold onto it, or amplify it.
What skill uses physical health components to decrease emotional vulnerability
What important functions can emotions have? Name one
Communicate or influence others
organize and motivate action
self-validate us
The S in PLEASE MASTER stands for Balance Sleep. How much sleep does DBT say you should get?
Get the amount the helps you feel good
In this module we learned how to build positive emotions. We learned that in order to do this we have to make changes in life so that positive events are more likely to happen. Name one way to do this.
Work towards goals, accumulate positives, make a list of positive events, work toward small goals, take a first step toward a goal.
What is one of the skills that is useful for changing uncomfortable emotions in the moment?
Opposite action, check the facts, mindfulness
One goal of emotional regulations is to decrease emotional suffering. What is one way to do this?
Let go of painful emotions through mindfulness, or change painful emotions through opposite action or prevent emotional suffering with ABC PLEASE
DBT asserts that anger is a secondary emotion. Which emotions are typically found underneath anger?
Hurt, fear, shame, etc
The B in ABC PLEASE stands for Building Mastery. What does this mean?
Doing something each day that makes you feel competent and in control
Name a thinking error that can make it difficult to accumulate positives?
All or nothing thinking, personalization, overgeneralization, mental filter, minimization, should statements, catastrophizing, mind reading, labeling, emotional reasoning
Opposite Action works best when _____________ and _______________?
the emotion does not fit the facts, and the opposite action is done all the way.