Opposite Action and
Problem Solving
Understanding and
Labeling Emotions
Check the Facts

What does the A in ABC stand for?

Accumulate positive emotions


Give an example of an emotion urge and how you might act opposite to that urge


Urge: wanting to run away from a conflict. Opposite action: staying and addressing the issue.

Urge: wanting to scream in anger. Opposite action: remaining calm.

And more!


What is the function (or purpose) of fear?

To act when there's a threat to our life health or well-being

I.E. to encourage us to escape danger


True or false: Examining your thoughts and checking the facts can change your emotions


When we respond to incorrect facts, learning the correct facts can change our emotions


Arguing with someone in your head while in the shower is an example of what skill?

Cope ahead


What is an example of a way to build mastery? 

Learning a new skill (e.g. knitting, dancing, painting, coding...)

Challenging yourself to improve on a skill you already know

And more!


Finish the skill name:

Half-smiling and _________   _______

Willing hands


What are some physical/bodily reactions to anger that you've noticed in yourself?

No wrong answer!

Some people experience some of the following bodily reactions to anger: feeling warm, brain fog, shaky vision, breathing heavy, chest tightness, muscle tightness, increased heart rate, and more


What is a prompting event as related to checking the facts?

The event that prompted you to feel the emotion or that caused you to become upset


True or false: It is important to take the time to check the facts for every feeling in every scenario


Don't check to see if your fear is justified when being chased by a bear


What does the L in the PLEASE skill stand for?

treat physicaL illness 


treat physical iLlness

kind of a trick question ;)


Give an example of halfway opposite action (I.E. not doing opposite action all the way)

Appearing calm when you're mad, but thinking angry thoughts

Thinking happy thoughts when you're sad, but having a sad look on your face

Saying, "I understand your point," but with a sarcastic tone


In order to better regulate your emotions it can be helpful to first ______ & _______ your emotions.

A) Question & consider

B) Calm & collect

C) Observe & describe

C) Observe & describe 

It's easier to regulate your emotions when you know what your feeling


Which of the following is NOT a step in checking the facts

A) Ask: What are my interpretations, thoughts, and assumptions about the event?

B) Ask: Do the facts matter?

C) Ask: What is the emotion I want to change?

B) Ask: Do the facts matter?

This is not a step in checking the facts


Catastrophizing and all-or-nothing thinking are both examples of:

A) Rational thinking

B) Cognitive distortions or thought distortions

C) Fruits

B) Cognitive distortions or thought distortions

Cognitive distortions are biased thoughts that create negative patterns in the way a person thinks.

other examples include: fortune telling, overgeneralization, personalization, and minimization 


True or false: 

When using the cope ahead skill, it isn't wise to imagine using other skills as well


Part of coping ahead is thinking about what skill you will use when in a difficult situation.


True or false:

Checking the facts is an important step in the problem solving process


Checking the facts is helpful in order to determine if problem solving is necessary


True or False: When facial and body expressions change, emotions can also change with them


If we are very afraid or anxious, we can feel calmer by relaxing our face and other body muscles


What does "catastrophizing" mean?

Focusing on the worst possible outcome (sometimes impossible outcome) 


True or false: The skill of mindfulness of current emotion can be helpful in many situations, but not all situations



can you think of an example of when it wouldn't be helpful to use the skill of mindfulness of current emotion?


What do the two Es in in the PLEASE skill stand for?

balance Eating and get Exercise 

The first step of problem solving is:

A) Identify your goal in solving the problem 

B) Observe and describe the problem situation

C) Brainstorm lots of solutions

B) Observe and describe the problem situation

What is an example of a myth about emotions

There are many!

Some examples include: emotions stick around forever, it's weak to cry, there's a right way to feel in every situation, emotions should be ignored, my emotions are who I am, emotions should ALWAYS be trusted 


Give an example of an emotion and a time when feeling that emotion fits the facts

There are many examples, some of which include:

Sadness: you've experienced a loss

Fear: a bear is chasing you

Joy: you won first place in a marathon

Disgust: there's mold on your leftovers 


Who is really good at building mastery?

(you can ask for a hint)


(Not just human babies)