This DBT skill stands for Accumulate Positive Experiences by engaging in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, or satisfaction.
What is the A in ABC, "Accumulate Positive Experiences"?
This DBT skill involves doing the opposite of what your current emotion is telling you to do, especially when your emotions are not helpful or are leading to negative outcomes.
What is Opposite Action?
This DBT skill involves planning and preparing in advance for situations that might trigger strong emotions, so you can handle them more effectively when they occur.
What is Cope Ahead?
What is an intern?
The S in the STOPP skills stands for _.
This skill involves taking actions that make you feel competent and capable.
What is the B in the ABC skill stands for Build Mastery.
When experiencing intense fear, instead of avoiding the feared situation, this action would involve facing it to reduce avoidance behaviors.
What is approaching the feared situation or facing it head-on?
In Cope Ahead, you identify the triggers and how you will manage your emotions. This is an important step in planning. What is the term for identifying specific ways to handle stressors?
What is problem-solving or planning responses to specific triggers?
Jenn's role here is _.
What is House mom?
The T in the STOPP skill stands for _.
What is take a step back?
This technique involves thinking ahead of time about potential challenges and planning how to handle them. It is especially useful in dealing with situations that cause anxiety.
What is the C in ABC, "Cope Ahead"?
The opposite action in the case of feeling angry would be _.
In the case of feeling angry, the opposite action would involve calming yourself down instead of acting out or becoming aggressive. One example of the opposite action could be to engage in this calming activity.
A key part of Cope Ahead involves practicing using coping strategies ahead of time. One common technique to use in preparation is to practice this skill, which helps you manage difficult emotions in real time.
What is mindfulness?
Q's name is short for _.
What is Sheequeta?
The O in the STOPP skill stands for _.
The PLEASE skill is used at this time of emotional regulation.
What is taking care of your physical needs?
If you feel like withdrawing or isolating yourself due to sadness, the opposite action would be _.
What is socializing or reaching out for support?
In Cope Ahead, part of the planning process involves deciding how you will exit a difficult situation if needed. What is this step referred to as?
What is setting a boundary or knowing when to leave?
Zophia, Alys, Ali, Q, SJ, Meredith, Haley, David, Makenna, Jeff, Devon, Jenn, Virginia
The first P in the STOPP skill stands for _.
What is perspective changing?
Each letter of the PLEASE skill stands for a different need that can be met.
What is Physical Illness, Eating, Abstaining from substances, Sleep, and Exercise?
When feeling guilty and wanting to avoid a situation, the opposite action is to do this in order to reduce guilt.
What is taking responsibility or making amends for your actions?
Thinking of the weekend, I will need to use cope ahead skill for _.
What is _?
This makes staff happy _.
The second P in STOPP stands for _.
What is Proceed mindfully?