Understanding Emotions and Why We Have Them
Obstacles to Emotion Regulation
Naming and Describing Emotions
Mindfulness of Emotions + Really Difficult Emotions

Emotions motivate and organize us for this

What is action?


This is another word for mistaken beliefs about emotions that get in the way of regulating them

What are myths?


These things are how we communicate emotions with others

What are expressions, face and body language, words, and actions?


The "PL" in PLEASE stands for this

What is treat physical illness?

Also acceptable: The "L" stands for laugh every day while the "P" stands for treat physical illness


This is the first step of practicing mindfulness of current emotions

What is observe your emotion?


This is one goal of emotion regulation

What is understanding and naming your emotions, decreasing the frequency of unwanted emotions, decreasing emotional vulnerability, or decreasing emotional suffering?


You are lacking these when you don't know what to do to regulate emotions

What are skills?


These pre-existing experiences may make an emotional reaction more intense

What are vulnerability factors?


The "B" in ABC PLEASE stands for this

What is Build(ing) Mastery?


When practicing mindfulness of current emotions, it is helpful to remember that you are not ______

What is your emotion?


Emotions are not _____.

What are facts?


When emotional overload comes to a head and you can't use your skills, you are experiencing _____.

What is skills breakdown point?


There are several internal changes that take place in the body during the emotional process. Name two.

What are brain and nervous system changes?

Also acceptable: neural firing, blood vessels expand, heart rate increases, respiration rate increases, blood pressure increases, temperature increases


The "A" in ABC PLEASE stands for Accumulate Positive Emotions. One accumulates positive emotions in the long-term by _____

What is making changes in your life so that positive events will happen more often in the future?

ALSO: What is building a life worth living?


When observing one's emotion, it is helpful to imagine the emotion as what?

What is a wave?


These are hard-wired aspects of emotions

What are facial expressions?


Biological factors can make emotion regulation harder. Name some of these factors.

What is:

Hunger, sleepiness, PMS, illness, etc.


This must be present for a prompting event to trigger an emotional response

What is attention or awareness?


In order to build positive experiences now, one must be mindful and unmindful of what?

What is mindful of positive experiences and unmindful of worries?


One should refrain from doing five things when observing an emotion. Name two.

What are: 1) blocking or suppressing the emotion 2) getting rid of or pushing away the emotion 3) keeping the emotion around 4) holding on to the emotion or 5) amplifying the emotion


The goals of emotion regulation include reducing vulnerability to these two experiences

What are vulnerability and suffering?


Please offer a reframe for the following myth: "Emotions should always be trusted."

Surprise! There is no correct answer here- just make your best attempt at a reframe!


These color our emotional experience and include both thoughts and beliefs

What are interpretations?


The S in PLEASE stands for Balance Sleep. DBT says that _____ is the optimal amount of sleep

What is the amount of sleep that makes you feel good?


There are five signs that you are at your skills breakdown point. Please name three.

What are extreme distress, overwhelm, not being able to focus on anything but the emotion, your mind shuts down, or you can't solve problems or use complicated skills?