Positive experiences in the short term/long term
Increasing positive experiences in the short term.....
Improves mood!
What is PL, how do we do it, and why?
Treating physical illness by making sure that anything that is physically bothering us is addressed so it doesn't impact our mood.
Fear/Anxiety + example
Mindfulness states of mind
Emotion mind, reasonable mind, wise mind
What is B, and explain
Building Mastery
How do we increase positive experiences in the long term/steps of LT?
By picking a long term goal, that we break down into achievable steps, and pick a small first step.
Examples of how E can have an effect on our mood?
Too many heavy foods can make you feel tired and sluggish, not enough food can make you hangry, Too much sugar hyperactive, too much caffeine jittery, etc.
Anger + example
Approach/Gently Avoid
What is fight/flight?
When faced with a threat (or perceived threat) our body kicks in our sympathetic nervous system to either fight or flee.
C, and when do we use it?
cope ahead, when we know we have something coming that can cause distress/be difficult to manage
B can make us feel more...
Confident and Competent, effective and in control etc.
Examples of A that impact mood?
Alcohol and marijuana are depressants
Sadness + example
Avoid/Get Active
What are vulnerability factors + examples
Things that make us more vulnerable/sensitive to negative emotions (i.e. being hungry, a fight with a friend, not sleeping well).
treating physical illness, eating healthy, avoid mood altering drugs, sleeping well, exercise
Examples of when to use C?
A family session, a pass, an interview, an important test, etc.
5 examples of sleep hygiene
(name any of the 12) i.e. bed only for sleep, bed an and wakeup same time etc.
Guilt/Shame + example
Face Music OR go public/don't apologize
What good are emotions? (i.e function of) hint: there are 3
Emotions give us information, communicate to/influence others, motivate and prepare us for action
Opposite Action, what is it?
Acting opposite to the current emotion, by doing the opposite to the action urge.
What are the steps of C?
Describe situation, decide on skills, imagine the situation, practice coping effectively.
Why does second E impact mood?
increase endorphins, sympathetic vs. parasympatheic response.
Love + example
express love, show affection/stop expressing love
What is the model of emotions?
How situation, thoughts, internal and external body changes, feelings, action urges, behavior (and vulnerability factors) interact/connect with each other.