What is emotion regulation?
Ability to control or influence which emotions you have, when you have them, and how you experience and express them.
What are skills you can use to change emotional responses?
Checking the facts, opposite action, and problem solving
In ABC PLEASE, the A stands for…
Accumulate positive emotions
What is Mindfulness of Current Emotion?
Observing, describing, and "allowing" emotions without judging them or trying to inhibit them, block them, or distract from them.
What are the 3 states of mind?
Reasonable mind, wise mind, and emotion mind
Which one do people trust more - nonverbal or verbal communication?
What is Opposite Action?
Acting opposite to an emotion's action urge.
What is Build Mastery?
Do things that make you feel competent and effective to combat helplessness and hopelessness.
What is skills breakdown point?
Your distress is extreme, you are overwhelmed, and you cannot focus your mind on anything but the emotion itself.
What are the WHAT skills?
Observe, describe, and participate
What makes it hard to regulate your emotions?
Biology, lack of skill, reinforcement of emotional behavior, moodiness, emotional overload, and emotion myths.
What is problem solving?
Avoiding or changing a problem event.
What are values?
Things that are important to you, what you cherish about life.
More and more research shows that trying to block or suppress your emotions actually makes them...
What are the HOW skills?
Non judgmentally, one mindfully, and effectively
What are functions of emotion?
Emotions motivate us for action, emotions communicate to others, and emotions communicate to ourselves.
When practicing opposite action you must act opposite...
All the way
PLEASE stands for…
Treat physical illness, balance eating, avoid mood altering substances, balance sleep, and get exercise.
What is troubleshooting?
What to do when what you are doing isn't working.
What do you do when you observe?
Sense objects or events outside or inside your body without words.
Draw the model for describing emotions on the board.
See page 213
When problem solving how many solutions should you should brainstorm...
As many solutions as possible.
What are the steps in Cope Ahead?
Describe the situation
Decide what coping skills to use
Imagine the situation
Rehearse in your mind
Practice relaxation
Emotions come in...
Can you do the HOW skills all at the same time?