Name that Emotion
Model for Describing Emotions
Skills for Changing Your Emotions
Alphabet Soup
The Hard Ones!

Other words for this emotion include aggravation, fury, rage, and indignation.

What is anger?


These are preexisting vulnerability factors that might contribute to extreme emotions.

Name any of the possible vulnerability factors: What are (being hungry, tired, sick, not taking medications, using drugs or alcohol, or history)?


To use this skill, check to see if you are making assumptions about the situation that might not be accurate.

What is check the facts?


These are the two "E's" in PLEASE.

What are exercise and balanced eating? 


This skill involves observing and loving your emotion.

What is Mindfulness of Current Emotion?


Prompting events for this emotion include having your life or well-being threatened, trauma flashbacks, being in an unfamiliar situation, and being in the dark.

What is fear?


This is what is it called when something happens that sets off a particular emotion. It's the beginning of the model of emotions.

What is a prompting event or trigger?


If your own behavior violates your own values or moral code, then this emotion fits the facts.

What is guilt?


It's the "C" in ABC PLEASE.

What is Cope Ahead?


This is the length of time it takes for your emotion to pass if it is only prompted once. 

What is 90 seconds?


You might feel this emotion if you see things in life as hopeless, believe you are worthless, or believe that you won't get what you want or need in life.

What is sadness?


These are physical changes in the model for describing emotions.

What are these: your heart pounding, sweating, and tensing your muscles when you are feeling stress?


If your emotion doesn't fit the facts, you can change it by using this skill.

What is opposite action?


This is the skill you use to take care of your mind by taking care of your body.

What is PLEASE?


Describe what the skills break down point is like.

What is: You're at this point when: your distress is extreme, you are overwhelmed, you can't focus your mind on anything but your emotion, your mind shuts down, and you can't use complicated skills.


When you feel this emotion, you might have the urge to hide your behavior, apologize repeatedly, cover your face, and avoid looking at yourself in the mirror.

What is shame?


These are two ways that we communicate our emotions without using words.

What are facial expression and body language?


Keeping your eyes and ears open, noticing that you are safe, and using a confident tone of voice are all opposite actions to this emotion.

What is fear?


There are long term and short term versions of this skill.

What is Accumulate Positive Emotions?


If you believe in these, it's harder to use your emotion regulation skills. Examples include: "Some emotions are stupid," "there is a right way to feel in every situation," and "My emotions are who I am."

What agree emotion myths?


People express this emotion by smiling, hugging, saying positive things, or being silly.

What is happiness?


This is a type of emotion that comes as a reaction to our first emotion. For example, you might feel anger as a reaction to first feeling fear.

What is a secondary emotion?


When your emotion does fit the facts and the situation is the problem, you can use this skill to change your emotion.

What is problem solving?


To do this skill, do things that make you feel competent and effective.

What is Build Mastery?