Intro to Emotion Regulation
Changing Emotional Responses
Reducing Vulnerability
Mindfulness/Skills Breakdown
What are the three things emotions do for us?
-communicate to selves -communicate to others -organize or motivate us for action
Why is it important to "check the facts"?
Emotional responses do not always fit the facts of a situation.
What does ABC stand for?
Accumulate Positive Emotions Build Mastery Cope Ahead
It is important not to do _____ when practicing mindfulness of your emotions.
judge your emotions
Name three myths related to emotions or emotion regulation.
Answers will vary. Examples: Emotions are stupid. It is inauthentic to change my emotions. I can only get my needs met if I act out emotionally. Being emotional means being out of control.
Provide an example of a situation in which fear "fits the facts" and it is appropriate to act on urges related to fear.
Answers will vary. Example: You are in danger.
What does PLEASE stand for?
treat physical illness, balanced eating, avoid mood altering substances, balanced sleep, exercise
What are some ways that you can tell you are at your skills breakdown point?
Answers will vary. Examples: difficulty breathing, flushed, tense posture, crying uncontrollably, urge to flee, unable to use other skills
Name two goals of using emotion regulation skills.
-decrease frequency of unwanted emotions -reduce emotional vulnerability -understanding and naming your emotions -decrease emotional suffering
Name a situation in which in would be important to practice opposite action.
Answers will vary. (Example: You have urges to restrict a meal and you practice opposite action and complete.)
How can you accumulate positive emotions in the short-term?
-be mindful of positive experiences -be unmindful of worries -do things from the pleasant events checklist
What types of skills are typically most appropriate to use when you are at your skills breakdown point?
Crisis Survival Skills or Distress Tolerance Skills
Name 5 emotions.
Answers will vary.
Provide two examples of how you could practice opposite action when you are feeling sad.
-listening to music -watching a funny movie or video -call a friend -go outside
What is the goal of accumulating positive emotions in the long-term?
Build a life worth living
Your skills aren't working! Name three of the six factors you can check to determine why they're not working.
-biological sensitivity -reinforces -skills you're using -mood -emotional overload/skills breakdown point -emotional myths getting in the way
What makes it hard to regulate our emotions? (Name at least three barriers to emotion regulation.)
- biology - lack of skill - emotional myths - emotional overload/skills breakdown point
What are the 7 steps of problem solving?
1. Describe the problem situation 2. Check the facts. 3. Identifying your goal. 4. Brainstorm solutions 5. Choose a solution. 6. Put the solution into action 7. Evaluate the results of using the solution.
Name 3 ways you can build mastery.
-set small goals to build a sense of accomplishment -practice skills and receive skills coaching -if the task is too easy, look for additional ways to challenge yourself
Name the 4 steps to practicing mindfulness of current emotions?
-Observe your emotion -Practice mindfulness of body sensations -Remember: you are not your emotion -Practice loving your emotion