Tell me what zone you're in right now.
Red, blue, green, or yellow.
Show us any calming strategy we've learned in a previous session.
Head and neck rolling, stretching, listening to calming music, progressive muscle relaxation, etc.
You need to calm down before going to sleep. You choose to do this by....
Nailed it!
Show me a "green zone" face.
List a few emotions that fall into the blue zone.
Sad, upset, hurt, tired
Show us any alerting strategy we've learned in previous sessions.
Options: Jumping jacks, marching in place, listen to music with a high BPM, etc.
You need to wake your body up before class starts so you can fully participate. You choose to...
Nice work!
Show off your best emoji face.
:) :/ :( :P :0
List a few emotions that fall into the yellow zone.
Nervous, surprised, confused, silly
Show us a calming strategy from your toolkit.
Head and neck rolling, stretching, listening to calming music, progressive muscle relaxation, etc.
You need to stay in the green zone, but someone said something to you that made you feel angry. To try and stay in the green zone, you choose to....
Tell us something that makes you happy.
Thanks for sharing!
List a few emotions that fall into the red zone.
Angry, yelling, aggressive, mad.
Show us an alerting strategy from your toolkit.
Options: Jumping jacks, marching in place, listen to music with a high BPM, etc.
You have a group coming up that you have to participate in, but you are feeling stuck in the yellow zone. To get closer to the green zone and be ready to participate, you choose to...
Great job!
Tell us something you like to do.
Thanks for sharing!
Describe a situation where it would be good to be in the blue zone.
When would it be helpful to be tired? Or very calm?
Tell me a time you've used a strategy we've discussed outside of this group. If you haven't yet, tell me a time you might use a strategy in the future!
You have been in the blue zone since waking up. You don't know exactly why, but you're still there. To try to feel less "blue," you choose to...
You got it!
Define emotional regulation.
Emotional regulation means being able to control your feelings and reactions even when you feel overwhelmed or out of control.