Defintion of Emotional and Behavior Disorder
Transition Assessment
Transition to Independence Process (TIP) System
Jobs for Individuals with Emotional and Behavior Disorder
What is Emotionally and Behaviorally Disturbed?
Career and vocational goals
What two things do teachers need to focus on?
What is the employment rate for the general population of adults and students?
What is Transition to Independence Process ?
-Outdoors -Walking -No spoken language -Few social skills -No fine motor skills
What are the pros of a delivery job?
-An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or other health factors -An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers -Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances -A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression -A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems
What does a student need to demonstrate to be considered EBD?
Vocational situational assessments been reliable with students with EBD. (yes or no)
What is no?
40% - 50%
What percent of adults with behavior disorders are employed?
-Personnel at the practice, program and community levels -Person who the service is for -Families -Friends -Foster parent -Aunt or Uncle
What type of people are involved?
-Focus on specific work tasks -Reduce likelihood of inappropriate social behavior
What are the pros of a job in warehousing and distribution?
-An appearance of apathy, slovenliness, emotional dullness, and nonmotivation is a common residual symptom of mental illness. -Feel anxious around others, may interfere with task completion -They also miss out on important information regarding the (usually unwritten) behavioral rules of the classroom and workplace.
What types of interpersonal issues do students with EBD demonstrate?
-What jobs can you do now? -What jobs do you think you might like to do in 2 years? -What jobs do you think you might like to do in 10 years? -To do the jobs you want 2 years from now, what skills will you need to improve? -To do the jobs you want 10 years from now, what skills will you need to improve? -What are your biggest problems with the jobs you can do now? -What problems do you have getting a job now? -What can you do about these problems?
What are sample career planning questions?
What percent of students with behavior disorders attend postsecondary school programs?
-Employment -Educational opportunities -Living situations -Community life
What are things the TIP system prepares youth for?
-Spacious -Sometimes isolated -Work space -Require little to no language -Require little to no social skills -Provide routines -Repetitive jobs
What are the pros of a manufacturing job?
-Difficulty processing information -Trouble initiating action -Difficulty concentrating and distractibility
What are learning and performance issues?
-observations of students both in school and in the community at various worksites -on-the-job tryouts -classroom performance examples -tests to measure interests -aptitudes or learning styles -work samples (i.e., simulated tasks of particular jobs)
What is included in a vocational situational assessment?
What percent of youth with serious emotional disturbance who started the ninth grade drop out?
-Transition Facilitators -Independence and Interdependence -Self-Determination -Transition Process Values
What are key aspects of the TIP system?
-Minimal to no interaction with public -No need for language or social skills
What arethe pros of a retail job?
-Students with mood disorders are stable for periods of time. -When selecting employment people need to think about the frequency of the mentally ill episodes -The person may need to take off time for work when they are having an episode
What is variability of functioning?
Repetitive tasks and specific feedback.
What are two things students need in real-life situational assessments?
Maladaptive norms and social pecking order of a correctional institution.
What do student pick up when in correctional facilities?
Engage youth and youth adults in their own futures planning process
Why was the TIP system developed?
-Limited interaction with the public -Tasks completed alone -Assembly-line fashion -Spacious work areas -High background noise
What are the pros of a job in printing?