Educational Practices
Behaviors such as drawing into oneself, suicidal thoughts, and avoidance of peers.
What are internalizing behaviors?
They can create clear expectations for students, explicitly teach classroom rules and routines, give praise for appropriate behavior, and be consistent with consequences.
What are ways in which a teacher can create a stronger management system to help students with emotional and behavioral disorders?
Causes of EBDs such as genetics, brain injury, and poor nutrition.
What are biological factors?
Rating scales and intelligence tests are used.
What is a type of formal assessment for identifying students who have an emotional or behavioral disorder?
Behaviors that outwardly show aggression, anger, and lack of self-control.
What are internalizing behaviors?
It is a chart that includes long and short term behavioral goals for the student. For each portion of the day the student is given a checkmark, sticker, etc for positive behavior. After a certain number of checkmarks/stickers, a reward is given to the student.
What is a behavior modification chart and how is it used?
Causes of EBDs such as chronic stress, stressful life events, and childhood maltreatment.
What are psychosocial factors?
Systematic observations in a variety of settings and curriculum-based measurements.
What are examples of classroom assessment done to identify a student with an emotional and behavioral disorder?
They often perform at lower academic levels than their peers and have trouble maintaining social relationships.
How do students with emotional and behavioral disorders perform academically and socially?
Try to create areas of interest for the student, give them a choice of medium, and keep them actively engaged.
How can curriculum be modified to help a student with an emotional or behavioral disorder?
Males are three times more often than females to be diagnosed with EBDs.
How many more times are males diagnosed with EBDs than females?
Interviews with the parents and child, family history, medical information, and strength-based assessments.
What are other assessments used to identify a student with an emotional and behavioral disorder that do not include formal or classroom assessments?