Multiple Answers
Coping Skills

This is a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.

What is Stress?


This is a breathing technique where you mentally trace the lines of a square as you breathe in for 4 seconds, then hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, and then hold for 4 seconds.

What is Box Breathing?


This is something people often do before a workout.  It can be beneficial to do on its own since it calms your body and helps you to slow down.

What is Stretch?


Name one positive affirmation.



A healthy activity that you do for fun when you are not working or in school to reduce stress or anxiety.

What is Hobby?


Unique sound combinations that are highly effective at calming the nervous system and promoting meditative brain states.  _______ _______ produce auditory illusions.  This occurs when the brain hears 2 slightly different frequencies at the same time and attempts to interpret them as one.  As a result, the brain produces specific wave patterns that have varying benefits.

What is Binaural Beats?


This breathing technique is considered to be the easiest and fastest way to eject yourself out of a state of anxiety.  It involves breathing fully in through your nose then taking another short sip of air through your nose, followed by a long exhale through your mouth.

What is Double Breathing?


This is something you can do that relieves stress, improves mood and is healthy for you.

What is Exercise?


Name one example of an unhealthy coping skill.

What is:

Avoiding help/Fighting/Yelling/Harming others or yourself/Mindless social media use/Procrastinating?


Using verbal communication for treating mental and emotional disorders.

What is Talk Therapy?


These are skills that can help us properly handle stress, negative emotions, panic attacks and other difficult situations.  They help us to calm down and stop us from getting overwhelmed or spiraling.

What are Coping Skills?


Relaxing breath or the # - # - # breathing exercise is a quick way to calm the nervous system and help you fall asleep.  It includes a breath in through your nose, then hold, then a breath out through your mouth.

What is 4-7-8 breathing?


A Hindu discipline involving breathing, prescribed body positions and meditation, with the goal of improving health, fitness and control of the mind. 

What is Yoga?


Reframe this to a positive thought: "I am so dumb, I didn't get that answer right."

What is:

I know the correct answer now. I'm going to learn from this. I can do better next time. 


This skill is an excellent solution for those that feel like they can't get everything done in a day or feel like they take on more than they can handle.

What is Time Management?


This is a feeling of persistent fear, dread or excessive worry in situations that are not actually threatening.  Unlike stress, this feeling continues even after an event or concern has passed.

What is Anxiety?


In this type of breathing technique, you place one hand on your chest and one hand one your stomach.  Breathe in through your nose and notice your stomach expand.  Breathe out through your mouth and notice your stomach contract.

What is Belly Breathing?


You can't really go for a run when you are in the middle of class.  This is a small object that you can use while seated. 

What is Stress Ball?


Name one emotion that often leads people to engage in unhealthy coping skills if not recognized.

What is:



Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which people often refer to as EFT _________.  It is a coping skill that can be done by making contact with acupuncture points to decrease stress, anxiety, PTSD, and some other conditions.

What is Tapping?


This type of mental technique helps you to focus on the present moment by noticing what is around you.  It helps to calm your overthinking brain and brings you back into the moment. 

What is Grounding/Mindfulness?


In ______'s breath, named for the animal it resembles, you inhale deeply through your nose.  Next open you mouth, stick out your tongue and exhale, saying "ha" until you exhale fully.

What is Lion?


This relaxation technique involves tensing all of your muscles in your body.  Starting with your toes, you slowly move up your body untensing each muscle group until all the muscles in your body are relaxed.

What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation?


Name 3 healthy coping skills.

What is:

Reading/Writing/Journaling/Drawing/Music/Go for a walk/Deep breathing/Meditation?


This skill is focusing your attention and efforts on those things that are in your control today and helps reduce stress.

What is Reduction Skills?