Our Basic Emotions
Recognizing Triggers & Body Responses
Coping, Adapting, & Managing
Self-Advocating & Setting Boundaries

This is emotion is shown by this expression

What is disgust?


We compare our feelings to a story, because all emotions have these 3 parts

What are a beginning, a middle, and an end?


A friend of yours just had a pet die. They are probably feeling...

What is sad/grieving/hurt?


These are examples of a healthy and an unhealthy coping strategy (list 1 of each)

Healthy: Deep breathing; listening to music; journaling; exercise; art...

Unhealthy: Drinking; drugs; over-eating; over-sleeping; self-isolating...


You must do this with other people in order for them to know what your boundaries are

What is communicate?


The purpose of this emotion is to help us adjust to changes in our life plan, and to show people around us that we might need some emotional support

What is sadness?


When you're trying to figure out what triggered a certain feeling, you should pay attention to the way this reacts while telling yourself the story of your day

What is your body?


Your sister just lost her job, and now she doesn't know if she'll be able to pay her rent. She is probably feeling...

What is worried/sad/angry/afraid?


Unlike coping, adapting takes a "proactive" approach, which means it addresses how we will react ______ an emotion happens (before/after)

What is before?

To be a good self advocate, your tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language must all show this (think "C")

What is confidence?


When someone is really feeling this emotion, as opposed to pretending to feel it, you will see it in their cheeks instead of their mouth

What is happiness?


In the beginning of the anger emotion, these are some body responses we might feel (name 2)

*Face getting hot

*Faster breathing or heart beat

*Muscles getting tense

*Teeth clenching

*Hands making fists

*Voice getting louder or faster



Someone you work with just won first prize in an art show for her painting, and it comes with a free trip to an amusement park. They are probably feeling...

What is happy/proud/excited?


The word for the mixing of the coping and adapting strategies as appropriate for the situation is known as this (two words - S-M)

What is self-management?


You can have problems standing up for yourself if your boundaries are too...

What is loose?


This emotion, which we compare to an iceberg, often hides many other emotions under the surface

What is anger?


This is the name for thoughts or feelings that pop up in our head out of nowhere - we need to hit the brakes and make ourselves think before acting, or these can get us in big trouble! (Think "I-" word)

What are impulses?


Your Grandfather is retiring from a job he has worked at for the past 40 years. He is probably feeling...

What is happy/sad/excited/grieving/worried...?


The state of mind in which you are willing to try new and challenging things, learn from mistakes, take constructive criticism, and believe you can improve yourself is called this kind of mindset

What is a growth mindset?


This is the word for some type of resource or change that you can advocate for to help you succeed in something

What is an accommodation?


These two emotions share very similar facial expressions, as shown here

What are fear and surprise?


This is one of the 7 Emotion Detective questions we have practiced to help think about our feelings. 

(1) Is what happened unexpected?

(2) Is what happened enjoyable?

(3) Is what happened going to make it easier or harder for me to get what I want?

(4) Can I control what happens next?

(5) Will I be able to cope with what happened?

(6) Does what happened match with what I think is right and wrong?

(7) Is what happened my fault or someone else’s?


Your friend's mother is in the hospital, so she gets to spend a week at your house with you. She is probably feeling...

What is scared/worried/sad/angry/happy/excited/hopeful/comforted...?

This is the word for being able to bounce back when bad things happen without feeling too bad for too long

What is resilience?


You can have problems letting other people get close to you if your boundaries are too...

What is rigid?