Social Awareness
Relationship Management
EQ Strategies

True or False: self-awareness is a social competence

What is false?


True or False: self-management is a personal competence.

What is true?


True or False: social awareness is a social competence.

What is true?


True or False: relationship management is a personal competence.

What is false?


Step into their shoes.

What is a social awareness strategy?


Fill in the blanks:

Self-awareness is your ability to accurately perceive your own ___________ in the moment and understand your ___________ across situations. 

What is emotions and tendencies/behaviors?


Fill in the blanks:

Self-management is your ability to use your awareness of your emotions to stay ____________ and direct your ___________ positively. 

What is flexible and behavior?


Fill in the blanks:

Social awareness is your ability to accurately pick up on ___________ in other people and ____________ what is really going on with them. 

What is emotions and understand?


Fill in the blanks:

Relationship Management is your ability to use your ___________ or your own emotions and those of others to manage ____________ successfully. 

What is awareness and interactions?


Keep a journal about your emotions.

What is a self-awareness strategy?


According to the book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, what percentage of people are able to accurately identify their emotions as they happen?

a) 36%, b) 53%, c) 78%

What is a) 36%


Describe what the self-management strategy "Sleep on it" is. 

Giving yourself an extra day, week or month to digest a situation before moving forward. Using patience and time to help us make the best decision. 


Describe what the social awareness strategy "Live in the moment" is. 

Being as present as possible so that you see the people around you and experience life in the moment. Not thinking about what happened yesterday, or planning for the future, just focusing on your present. 


Describe the relationship management strategy, "Offer a "fix it" Statement during a Broken Conversation". 

This is a statement that helps focus on repair, let's go of blame and who is right and focuses on a resolution. It can be as simple as, this is hard, how are you feeling? They are neutral in tone and meant to find a common ground. 


Talk control of your self-talk. 

What is a self-management strategy?


Describe the self-awareness strategy "Lean into your discomfort". 

Instead of avoiding uncomfortable or painful feelings, your goal should be to move toward that emotion, into it, and eventually through it. Even for mild emotional discomfort such as boredom, confusion or anticipation.


What will make practicing EQ skills most challenging for you?

No right or wrong answer here!


How are EQ skills visible in current events today? Discuss politicians, celebrities, athletes, etc. Your choice.

No right or wrong answer here!

In your family, how are emotions dealt with? Is there anything from this book that could help you or your family manage emotions and conflict?

No right or wrong answer here!


Tackle a tough conversation. 

What is a relationship management strategy?


Name 2 things that people high in self-awareness do well.

What are having a clear understanding of what they do well, knowing what people and situations push their buttons, knowing what motivates and satisfies them, being able to identify their emotions accurately in different situations, know how they respond to stress, understand why they do what they do

Many answers will be right for this question!


Name 2 things that people high in self-management do well. 

Stay flexible and direct their behavior positively. Manage their emotional reactions. Practice delayed gratification.


Name 2 things people high in social awareness do well. 

Accurately pick up on emotions in other people and understand what is really going on with them. Listen and observe. Are present and mindful. Practice empathy.


Name 2 things people with high relationship management do well. 

They are self-aware, practice self-management are are socially aware. Identify their feelings, express them well and identify the needs and feelings of others. Take on tough conversations, take feedback, build trusting relationships. 

Put a mental recharge into your schedule. 

What is a self-management strategy?