Identifying Emotions 1
Key Words
Identifying Emotions 2
Coping Skills
Emotion Pictures

Wanda's great aunt, Natasha, passed away yesterday. When talking about Natasha, Wanda begins to cry. What emotion is Wanda likely feeling?


Losing a loved one is a difficult part of life. Wanda is likely feeling sad and grieving the loss of her relative. 


This word is our ability to understand what someone else is feeling or experiencing. It means "putting yourself in their shoes".



Stacy was resting in bed and saw a spider crawl across the floor. She screamed and jumped up from her bed. What emotion was Stacy likely feeling?

Scared or Fear

Stacy was likely startled by the spider, or may even have a fear of spiders, which caused her to be frightened by seeing the spider and react in such a way.


In through your nose, out through your mouth.

Deep Breathing




Seth arrived to school wearing his shirt inside out. He went the whole day without noticing, until one of his classmates pointed it out. Seth's face turned red and he couldn't wait to get home to change. What emotion was Seth likely experiencing?


Seth was likely feeling embarrassed, concerned that he looked foolish in front of his classmates and teachers the entire day. 


This phrase refers to a general set of skills that help us communicate with others.

Social Skills


Penny got an award for Student of the Month, the same one that Fiona was trying to get. Fiona told Penny that she was the one that should have gotten the award, not Penny. What emotion was Fiona likely experiencing?


Fiona was likely jealous that Penny received the award that she wanted. Fiona could have responded better to the situation, but she was likely upset that she did not get the award.


Using words to describe your thoughts and feelings.

Naming the emotions.




Kyle's birthday is today. His family surprised him with a new video game and his favorite kind of cupcakes. Kyle smiled from ear to ear and thanked his family for their kindness. What emotion was Kyle likely feeling?

Happiness or Gratitude

Kyle was likely feeling happy and grateful for the kind gesture of his family because it showed him that they care about him and wanted him to enjoy his birthday.


This word refers to our drive, or reasons behind why we do something. It pushes us to meet our goals.



Brian is a messy eater and tends to eat large portions of food. Tina sat next to Brian during lunch and started to feel sick to her stomach watching Brian eat so much food and make such a mess of himself. What emotion was Tina likely experiencing?


Tina was likely feeling disgusted, or "grossed out", by Brian eating in this manner.


Writing down thoughts and feelings about what you experience.





Andrea hasn't turned in her last 3 school assignments and her teacher asked her to meet with them after school to discuss it. Andrea's heart has been racing, her palms have been sweaty, and she really doesn't want to have to face her teacher. What emotion is Andrea likely experiencing?

Worried or Nervous

Andrea is likely worried that she is in trouble or that her teacher is disappointed with her. 


This word refers to our ability to control our behaviors, actions, and words. It's our ability to control how we respond to our emotions.

Self-regulation or Self-control


Cheryl is a very loud and talkative person. She often repeats herself too. Lana doesn't like to be around Cheryl because of the way she communicates. What emotion is Lana likely experiencing when she is around Cheryl?

Irritated or Annoyed

Cheryl's communication style seems like it likely annoys Lana, causing her to feel irritated around her.


Sitting quietly with eyes unfocused or closed, maintaining attention on the present moment and letting thoughts pass freely.





Walter went out for dinner last night and put his leftovers in the fridge for lunch tomorrow. At lunch time he found that someone ate his leftovers, leaving him without a lunch to eat. After slamming the door of the fridge, Walter questioned all of his roommates and raised his voice when talking with them. What emotion was Walter likely experiencing?


While Walter's reactions to the situation weren't completely appropriate, he was likely feeling angry that someone stole his lunch and left him without anything to eat for the day.


This word refers to our ability to be aware of our personality, feelings, motives, and desires. It involves being mindful of yourself and reflecting on your behavior to gain more understanding.



Manuel completed all of his homework and now has nothing to do. Time seems to be going so slow and he's starting to feel a bit tired. What emotion is Manuel likely experiencing?


With nothing left to do, Manuel is likely feeling bored as he doesn't have anything to distract himself with as the time passes.


Leaving conflict to gather thoughts, change your feelings, and control your behaviors.

Ignoring or removing yourself from the situation.

