Emotions, Intro
Fragility & Antifragility
Always Trust...
Good vs. Evil?

This animal is used as a metaphor for our Emotional, reactionary, "Flash" intuition, gut feelings

What is the Elephant


If my 3 year old drops a teacup and it shatters, the cup cannot repair itself; we say that the cup is _____.

What is Fragile


Letting your feelings guide your interpretation of reality, "I feel depressed, therefore, this job is horrible"

What is Emotional Reasoning


An early human survival tactic, it evolved into a mechanism that produces both positive & divisive behavior, when people collect up

What is groupism (or tribalism)


This metaphor is used to represent out logic, "slow" critical thinking 

What is the Rider


If my 3 yr old drops a his plastic cup, that cup does not shatter, but it does not change form. We say that the cup is ________.

What is Resilient 


Focusing on another person as the SOURCE of your negative feelings, "My Boss causes all my problems..." 

What is Blaming 


The phenomenon when one group demonizes "outsiders"

What is in group-out group 


Driver cuts me off on the highway, I assume he's rude. name another, more generous reason for his behavior

Heart attack, bathroom, baby-delivery, medical emergency... etc.


The Peanut Allergy story is an allegory about good intentions that have negative, unintended ________. 

What are consequences 


Focusing on the WORST possible outcome and seeing it as the MOST likely to happen, is a cognitive distortion called __________.

What is catastrophizing


The phenomenon in which member(s) of the group publicly highlights to other members that someone has violated rules, norms, conventions  

What is the "Call Out" culture


Angry Coworker blames me for eating his BBQ out of the common fridge. I am a vegan. What could be another reason for the outburst? 

Projection: under pressure, deadlines, doing poorly and knows it; feels 'in competition' with me; Definitely something else, some other issue with me


If you want to change behavior and appeal to the emotions, Learn to talk to the ____________

What is the Elephant


When you assume what people know without sufficient evidence of their thoughts, "My boss thinks my middle name is 'I Don't Know' !"

What is Mind Reading 


A person publicly voices an opinion to demonstrate to other their own good, chaste character

What is Virtue Signaling


What doesn't kill you makes you weaker, Always Trust Your Feelings; Life = Good vs. Evil

These are known as the Three Great "_____"

What are the "Untruths"


After a Difficult discussion, Follow-Up is a gesture of _________.

What is sincerity 


Focus almost exclusively on the bad things, as "No one in that office likes me, everyone is against me"

What is Negative Filtering 

(bonus for Spotlight Effect)


Name 3 of the Seven Basic Plots of narratives 

Overcoming the Monster, Rags to Riches, The Quest, Voyage and Return, Comedy, Tragedy, Rebirth