Identifying & Describing
Check the Facts
Opposite Action

This signal provides humans with information that something is happening or wrong, sometimes by intuition.

What is an emotion?


This DBT skill set includes accumulating positives, fostering confidence, preparing for difficult situations.

What are ABC skills?


Skills that help our physical health; because we're more at risk for negative emotions and poor decisions when we're physically not feeling well. 

What are P.L.E.A.S.E Skills?


Looking at a situation from an outside perspective and pausing in order to look for the facts rather than acting on emotions.

What is Check the Facts?


Doing something to help you feel a contrast of your difficult emotion, when your emotion does not fit the facts.

What is Opposite Action?


These events can illicit what emotion: Getting what you want, gaining something you have worked hard for, and receiving praise for a job well done.

What is Happiness/Joy?


This skill is used when one knows a difficult situation is coming; this skill is used to be more prepared and relaxed going into the situation.

What is Cope Ahead?


Taking care of your body, seeing a doctor when necessary, and taking medications as prescribed are part of this in PLEASE skills.

What is P/L=Treat PhysicaL Illness


These 2 questions help get us started when using Check the Facts skill, they are Steps 1 and 2. 

1-What is the Emotion I want to change? 

2- What is the prompting event for my emotion?


Approaching a difficult situation is the opposite of this emotion.

What is Fear/Anxiety?


Being physically or verbally aggressive, teeth clenching together, or believing that you have been treated unfairly could elicit this emotion.

What is Anger?


This skill includes putting in effort to improve talents, skills, and yourself. It fosters positive self-efficacy and a sense of accomplishment. 

What is Build Mastery?


Staying away from nonprescribed and illicit drugs, alcohol, and other substances that may greatly affect our emotions is this part of the PLEASE skills.

What is A = Avoid Mood Altering Substances?


These steps are how you go about Step 3 in Check the Facts: Think of other possible interpretations. Practice looking at all sides of a situation and all points of view. Test your interpretations and assumptions to see if they fit the facts.

What is... Ask: What are my interpretations, thoughts, and assumptions about the event?


Becoming active, changing your posture, and changing your body chemistry are opposite actions for this emotion.

What is Sadness?


An example of this is, you hear a LOUD noise, you jump, and are suddenly startled.

What is an action urge?


These seven steps can help you strengthen your ABC skill of Accumulate the Positives - Long Term.

What are: 1-Avoid avoiding; 2-Idenify your values/things that are important to you; 3-Identify one value to work on now; 4-Idenitfy a few goals related to this value; 5-Choose one goal to work on right now; 6-Identify small action steps that will help achieve the goal; and 7-Take one step right now.


This phrase highlights the reason we use P.L.E.A.S.E skills.

What is Taking Care of Your Mind by Taking Care of Your Body, or Reducing Vulnerability to Emotional Mind.


Nick sees his peers in the corner of the room talking and then sees them look over at him. Prior to reacting, Nick considers other potential interpretations and asks himself, "Is it true? Am I interpreting this correctly? Could they be talking about something other than me?" Nick is using this skill.

What is Check the Facts?


If a reaction is unjustified, use the ______ skill, if a reaction is justified, use the _______ ________ skill.

What are Opposite Action and Problem Solving?


Emotions provide us with _____ , can assist us with _______ to others while also motivating us and preparing us for ______ .

What is Information, Communication, and Action?


Our short-term positive experiences and steps towards long-term experiences/goals, helping you build this.

What is A Life Worth Living?


Not eating too much  or too little, getting an amount of sleep that helps you feel rested, and doing some sort of daily exercise, including walking are these three parts of the PLEASE skills. 

What are skills E, S, and E: Balance Eating; Balance Sleep; and Get Exercise.


We ask Wise Mind this question when Checking the Facts, Step 6.

What is 'Does my emotion and/or its intensity fit the actual facts? 


To check whether emotions fit the facts you can decide whether the emotion is _______ or _______ .

What is Justified or Unjustified?