Coping Skills
What could you do? scenarios

How a parent/guardian might feel when their child yells at them and says mean things to them?

sad, guilty, angry, disappointed, hopeless


Taking 5 of these can help you switch from your "emotional" brain into your "thinking" brain

Deep breaths


How you can tell what a person is feeling without them telling you

non-verbal communication (facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, behaviors)


Your friend is yelling at you and bossing you around

Use an I-statement (tell them how you feel), tell an adult, and remove yourself from that area


The first E is for 

balanced Eating


How you might feel if your friend refuses to speak to you

frustrated, annoyed, confused, angry, sad


This is when you think on positive things on purposes and do positive things on purpose. You make changes in your life so that positive events will happen more often in your future and you spend more time in Wise Mind

Accumulate Positive Emotions


This is the best way to let an adult know that you are having trouble with a task

ask for help, or ask for an explanation


You have a thoughts or dreams about hurting yourself or someone else. 

Talk to your mom and dad, use your coping skills box, use positive self talk 


PL is for

Treat Physical iLlness


What is the emotion that comes from being upset that someone else has something you wish you had? 

jealousy (or) envy


This is when you do things that make you feel competent and effective. You complete hobbies, skills, chores, and school tasks. You slowly do harder and harder things so that you can handle bigger setbacks. 

Building Mastery


When you keep making the same poor choice again and again, you friend and family may not be able to ______________ you anymore.



You are angry and frustrated and don't really know why

use a coping skill to calm, talk to an adult about what you are feeling and thinking


S is for

Getting balanced Sleep


What might someone feel if they were yelled at for doing something that they didn't do? 

mad, upset, confused, anxious, scared, worried, unsure


This is when you rehearse a play, ahead of time, so you are prepared to cope skillfully when placed in an emotional situation.

Cope ahead of time


What is an I-Statement?

Saying how you feel without blaming someone i.e. I feel frustrated when you use my things without asking because when I need them, I cannot always find them.  And what I need is for you to ask before you borrow something.


You don't want to do what your parents are telling you to do

take deep breaths, remind yourself of the reasons why it is best that you follow the directions, get started so you can get it done


The A is for

Avoiding Altering substances (drugs)


What is the emotion that means that you feel bad about a choice you made? 

This is what you may feel when you made a poor choice and may have hurt someone in the process. 

Guilt / Guilty


When is the most effective time for you to use a coping skill? 

when you first become triggered and notice your body alarm going off

-Butterflies in your belly

- Headache

-Tightness in the chess

-Goosebumps on your arms

-Sweaty face or hands

-Racing thoughts


A sincere apology includes these 3 key things

Saying "I'm sorry" or "I apologize"

Saying what actions you are apologizing for...

saying the positive behavior you are going to do next time.  ("Next time I'll.... "


You have a nightmare that keeps you up a lot of the night

tell your parent/guardian about it, 

hug a stuffed animal,

hug your pillow to help you feel safe,

Tell yourself all of the ways you are safe in that moment, 

Use guided imagery/progressive muscle relaxation/mindfulness / breathing to help you relax your body and mind


The second E is for

Getting Exercise