Emotional Regulation
The ability to recognize, manage, and respond to emotions in a healthy way.
Healthy Coping mechanisms
Talking it out / Journaling
Recognize and Name Emotions?
Pay attention to physical signs like a fast heartbeat or tense muscles, as well as your thoughts, to figure out what you're really feeling.
Pay attention to phyisical signs / Identify whats going through your mind
Great answer! :)
What is Ms.Daisy's bday?
April 17
Emotional Supression
When someone bottles up or ignores emotions instead of dealing with them.
Unhealthy coping mechanisms
Avoidance / Lashing out
Manage Emotions in Friendships & Relationships
Taking time to think about your response / Not playing the 'blame game' / Honest communication / boundaries/ Managing emotions
Why is it wrong to supress emotions?
Amazing answer!
What sport did Mr.Taro coach??
The Three R's
Regulate / Relate / Reason
Culture / Environment / Early Experiences / School / Frendships / Social Media
Resist Peer Pressure?
Saying No / Taking time to think before continuing with the action / Setting boundaries / Being confident to what you would and wouldn't do
What can happen if you suppress emotions?
Who is this class is in the Dolphin Concert Band?
Orvyn, John, Dynno
The difference between emotional REGULATION and emotional SUPPRESSION
Emotional regulation means to manage your emotions in a balanced way. / Emotional suppression is when someone bottles up or ignores emotions instead of dealing with them
Peer Pressure
The things you're forced to do so you can seem cool or gain friendships
Prevent unhealthy coping mechanisms? (Open-ended)
Whats the difference between healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms
What is Ms.Camacho's bday?
May 10