Coping Strategies
Name the Emotion
Conflict Resolution
Body Language

Something I can do when I am ANGRY?

Yelling into a pillow, taking a break, talking to an adult?


I am crying because I am unhappy.



You just got new glasses and there is a student in your class who is teasing you about them.  This hurts your feelings.  What can you say to tell them your feelings are hurt?

I feel upset when you’re making fun of my glasses.

 I need you to stop.

What does someone who is HAPPY look like?

Smiling, Laughing, Eye Contact


Something I can do when I am SAD?

Writing it down, talking to an adult, hugging a stuffed animal.


I'm very happy and jumping all over the place. 



There are a group of students playing basketball during lunch and they tell you that you can’t play because you aren’t good enough.  How would you handle that situation?

You could go find something else to do or talk to the teacher about it.  You could talk to them and let them know you don’t think this is fair.  You could walk away.


What does someone who is SAD look like?

Crying, frowning, No Eye Contact, Arms Crossed


Something I can do when I can't sit still and focus?

Take a break, go to my calm down spot, take a one minute dance break.


The way people feel when someone interrupts them?

Annoyed or disrespected?


One of your friends was teasing you and things went too far and now you are mad.  What should you do?

Use coping skills to calm down.  When calm, let them know with words that they hurt your feelings.


What does someone who is ANGRY look like?

Pouting, Crossed Arms, Yelling.


What are 3 coping skills you can use at home?

Listen to music

Write it down

Talk to an adult


Deep breathing


I'm yawning a lot. 



You are trying to focus on your remote learning lesson and your brother or sister keeps making noise in the background. What can you do?

Go to a different room. Ask them to stop. Tell your teacher. Tell your parent. Go to your calm down spot. Explain once calm why they need to leave you alone during class time.


What does someone who is DISAPPOINTED look like?

Show me with your body!

Show me with your body!


What are 3 coping skills you can use at school?

Take a break

Write it down

Use positive self-talk

Deep breathing

Talk to a trusted adult


I'm annoyed and becoming angry.

Frustrated or irritated?


Your friend is distracting you by throwing things at you during class. When your teacher turns around, he thinks you were the one throwing things and you get in trouble. What should you do?

You can accept the consequence and calmly talk to your teacher AFTER CLASS to tell him the situation and ask him if you still need to get a consequence for someone else's behavior.


What does someone who is SCARED look like?

Hiding, Covering Eyes, Crying, Whimpering. CAN YOU SHOW ME?