Big or Small Problem
Expected or Unexpected Behavior
Problem Solving
Define it!
Right or wrong reaction

I got an answer wrong on an assignment. Big problem or small problem?

Small Problem!


At circle time, Jack gave the same answer Sarah was going to give. Sarah yelled, " JACK STOLE MY ANSWER!" Sarah's behavior was expected or unexpected?


You broke your pencil. How could you solve this?

Many ways:

-Get a new one.

-Raise your hand to sharpen it.

What is a small problem?

It may not really be a problem. I can ignore it or fix it easily. It usually passes quickly. It usually only affects me. 


Someone hit me in line and I hit them back before I figured out what happened.

Wrong reaction. I should get details first before I hit.


My parent went to the hospital last night. Big problem or small problem?

Big problem! 


Jenna lies on the rug during morning meeting and kicks her friends. Jenna's behavior is expected or unexpected?



You get pushed in line by someone who is not paying attention. How do you solve this problem the right way?

Many ways could be right:

-Ignore it.

-Take a deep breath and understand that they didn't mean it.

-Ask them to be more careful.

What is a medium problem?

I might need help to fix it. It requires action to fix it. It might affect more then just me. 


There is a fire alarm and I am in the bathroom. I stay in the bathroom.

Wrong reaction. I must get outside and join my class as soon as possible.


My classmate cut me in line. Big problem or small problem?

Small problem! 


George laughed when Ellen fell of the slide. George's behavior is expected or unexpected?



Your teacher asks you to close your Chromebook but you are not finished yet. What could you do?

Many ideas are ok:

-Close my Chromebook.

-Ask for more time to work.

-Save my work and come back to it.


What is a large problem?

There is no quick or easy solution. I probably need help to fix it. It might involve safety. Affects me in a big way or for a long time. Could affect a lot of people. 


I forgot my lunch at home. I get a hot lunch.

Right reaction. Nice job.


The teacher asked you to put your toy away until after school. Is this a big problem or a small problem?

Small problem! 

Joe went to glue something but his glue stick is dried up! He raised his hand and asked the teacher for a new one. Joe's behavior was expected or unexpected?



I am not paying attention in line and make someone drop their lunch. What should I do?

Many ideas are ok:

-Say I am sorry.

-Help them clean up.

-Help them get a new lunch.


What is "expected" behavior?

Things kids do or say that other kids and adults think is friendly, helpful and respectful to others.


Someone made a face at me. I yelled at them that they are stupid.

Wrong reaction. This is a small problem. Next time I should take a deep breath and ignore.


The weather is getting cold and Charlie doesn't have a winter jack. Is that a big problem or a small problem?

Big problem! 


Josh runs to give hugs to every teacher he sees. Josh's behavior is expected or unexpected?



There is a lock down at school. What should I do?

This is important!

-Follow the adult directions.

-Sit quietly.

-Be calm and take deep breaths.

What is "unexpected" behavior?

Things kids do or say that other kids or adults think is not friendly, hurtful, or disrespectful to others.


My little brother is hitting me at home. I tell him to stop but he doesn't. I get help from my older family members.

Right reaction. Don't hit back. They are little so they may not understand yet.