Name the Emotion
Emotional Regulation
The Tools
Things To Avoid
Name The Mental Health Diagnosis

What is Anger/Mad/etc.


This person is reacting to relatively MILD negative events in an emotionally exaggerated manner, by yelling and screaming at everyone nearby.

(Is this behavior emotionally Regulated or Dysregulated? and why?)


Why: Something mildly negative happened and they overreacted to this situation.  If they had been emotionally regulated, then they would have reacted in a calm manner with assertive behaviors.



[Daily Double]

These skills; like listening to music, talking to friends, exercising, and meditating, help you to deal with extreme emotions or negative mental health symptoms that you might encounter. 

What are coping skills


[Daily Double]

Danny has been sober for about 7 months and his best friend, that he hasn't seen for several years, just got back from overseas in the military. Danny's friend asks him to go out and celebrate this special occasion at the local bar.  Danny decides to join him. While there Danny's friend talks him into having a few drinks.  This is all an example of what type of behavior?


Danny could be assertive and tell his friend that he has been sober for 7 months and would like to catch up, but not at a bar.  A more neutral location would be better or perhaps not at all if his friend is fully set on drinking. 


This is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. It may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling. 


What is Happy/Glad/etc.


Setting up these helps you know how your day will go and what to expect to do each day.  You can have many different ones for each day, such as a bedtime one, a morning one, etc.  Having a ______ will help reduce stress and help you manage your emotions in the long run.  



Being mad and focusing on the thing that made you mad will only cause you to become more and more upset.  

These are some specific coping skills that might help to stop this type of negative spiral, before it gets worse.

What are distraction skills...(i.e. listening to calming music, counting to ten, taking a personal time out, watching TV, or any other similar activity that helps you stop the negative thinking pattern).


Drinking alcohol, smoking, avoiding the problem, drinking too much caffeine, and compulsive spending are examples.  

What are negative coping strategies/skills

They mask and/or stop you from feeling awful, but they do not last long-term.  Learning 5 to 10 positive coping strategies/skills will enhance your ability to be resilient and cope with negative emotions/situations.  


[Daily Double]

This is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.


What is sad/depressed/etc.


[Daily Double]

You are walking calmly in the park and trip over an unseen object.  You jump up and start picking up sticks and throwing them around while yelling at the top of your lungs.  Things you could do to stop this reaction before jumping up and having a fit are:

What are coping skills, thinking before you act (STOP strategy), count to ten, etc. 


This involves one or more competent individuals who lead a group of roughly five to 15 people who have been diagnosed with mental health issues. Typically, groups meet one or more times each week to work on these issues.

What is Group therapy or other similar answers.


These types of friends want to hangout with you at bars or manipulate you.  They like to get you to join them in drinking alcohol, using drugs, or other negative types of things; even though they know you have a problem with these things. 

What are TOXIC friends.


This is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.  It causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. 


What is Fear/Afraid/Scared/etc.

When a person is angry, instead of being loud and fighting about something, they talk quietly and behave politely.  This is an example of the skill called ______.

This type of skill will help manage your emotions and it involves paying attention to your five senses (the sights you see, sounds you hear, etc.).  It also involves being present in the moment (i.e. living in the now not in the past or the future.)

What are Mindfulness skills


Skipping medications prescribed by your doctor(s) can cause.

Random fluctuations in your symptoms, mood instability, health issues, and an impaired ability to make constructive decisions.  Instead you should take your medications as prescribed and report if/when you miss any doses, so that others can help support you in case of any side effects.  


This is a disorder characterized by excessive or unrealistic anxiety about two or more aspects of life (work, social relationships, financial matters, etc.), often accompanied by symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, or dizziness. 

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (anxiety disorder or anxiety are acceptable answers).

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More Info: 

Feeling unsure, second guessing yourself, and being hesitant to make a decision all indicate that you are experiencing this emotion. 

What is anxiety/worry


Complaining loudly and in a rude way about a mistake on a food order in a public restaurant.

(Is this emotionally Regulated or Dysregulated behavior? and why?)

Dysregulated.  A mistake has been made by another person either not hearing you correctly or someone between the kitchen (cooks) and the table (server) became confused.  People are not perfect, we all make mistakes.  A better course of action would be to politely explain that your order is incorrect.  Possibly use some coping skills to quench your anger as you prepare an assertive, but polite statement about what is wrong.


The ability to respond to the ongoing demands of experience with the range of emotions in a manner that is socially tolerable and sufficiently flexible to permit spontaneous reactions as well as the ability to delay spontaneous reactions as needed. 

The skill that allows you to manage and direct your emotions.

What is Emotional Regulation


Avoiding this can help improve your physical health and wellness as well as your mental health.  You may also lose some weight in the process too!

What is a bad diet, unhealthy foods, or eating junk food frequently.  

That's right!  A healthy diet has been scientifically proven to have a positive affect on mental health as well as your general health and wellness.  


This is a mental condition marked by alternating periods of mania/elation and depression.  It causes changes in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function.