The Tools
Ruin That Relationship
Its in the Word
Levels of Emotional Maturity
We covered this multiple times so you gotta get it
We can climb this to clarify what is going on inside of us and what we value. 

What is the "ladder of integrity"?


The opposite of clean fighting

What is "dirty fighting"?


Jesus said one must be able to carry this to be his disciple, symbolizing the hard work involved in discipleship.

What is "a cross?"

You are an "emotional ________" when you expect others to take care of you emotionally and spiritually rather than taking responsibility for yourself.

What is "Emotional Infant?"


Each week we mind ourselves to turn to this instead of trying to "fix, save or give advice" 

What is "turn to wonder?" 


These can cover over positive feelings and keep us from feeling joy, hope, or love if they go unprocessed.

What are "unprocessed difficult emotions?" 


Since I don't really want to deepen my relationship, I am never going to use this that will help me share appreciations, puzzles I am working on and my wishes hopes and dreams.

What is a "Community Temperature Reading"? 


Paul understood that if he could do all kinds of spiritual wonders but was missing this, he was missing the main point (1 Corinthians 13)

What is "love"?


You are an emotional _________ when you respect and love others without having to change them or becoming judgemental. 

What is "emotional adult"?


A prayer activity where one repeats a phrase over and over, timing that phrase with one's inhaling and exhaling.  

What is a "Breath Prayer"?

The name of an activity where we trace our family history to understand how it shapes us still today.

What is a "genogram?"


If we don't want healthy relationships we should never explore our own emotional ________________ because we will see that there is more going on underneath our own surface than we were once aware of.

What is "emotional iceberg?" 

the name for a type of psalm or scripture where the writer is crying out to God and mourning the fact that life is unfair. 

What is a "lament"?


An emotional child might engage in complaining, withdrawing, manipulating, or becoming sarcastic when he or she does not get their way.  These are all examples of this kind of conflict style.

What is "Dirty Fighting?"


The writer of the Emotionally Healthy Relationships Curriculum who is also a pastor at a church in New York City.

Who is Peter Scazzero? 

Two of the key characteristics of a VALID expectation.

What is, they are "conscious, realistic, spoken and agreed upon"? (answer only needs to contain two of these). 

Two of the four problems with our unclear expectations.
What is "unrealistic, unconscious, unspoken and/or un-agreed upon"?

Peter pulled back from eating with gentiles because let this emotion drive him as he felt peer pressure.

What is "fear"?  (he was afraid)


An emotional adolescent often has trouble really listening to someone else's pain without making the conversation about themselves, they would benefit from this kind of listening which puts God "in the flesh." 

What is "incarnational listening?" 


The stage BETWEEN Unconscious incompetence and conscious competence.

What is "Conscious Incompetence"?


One of the four questions that can help us explore our own iceberg.

What are you angry about?

What are you sad about?

What are you anxious about? or 

What are you glad about? 


Three characteristics of dirty fighting (I might use if I love terrible and dysfunctional relationships that drain my energy). 

Whare are (name three of these) silent treatment, lecturing, blaming/attacking, condescension, threatening gestures, physical violence, name calling, criticism, sarcasm, using "always" and "never," Anger/rage, passive-aggressive behavior, or denying"?

Daniel didn't figured out a way to take a stand (not eating the kings food) and yet stay connected to his guard.  He showed the skill of being ____________ which is essential to healthy relationships.

What is being "differentiated?"

A series of practices that when done with focus, consistency and frequency can take us from one emotional stage to the next is called this based on the Greek word for "trellis".
What is a "Rule of Life?"
The stage in learning a new skill where we have worked on the skill for many hours and we can deploy the new skill as a natural habit without having to think about it. 

What is "Unconscious Competence"?