happy or sad?kè kontan oswa tris?
Sad (Tris)
What color is this? Ki koulè sa a?
happy or sad? kè kontan oswa tris?
Happy (Kontan)
What color is this? Ki koulè sa a?
Is he mad or happy? Èske li fache oswa li kontan?
Mad (fache)
How do you say HELLO?
Ki jan ou di ______?
Hello (bonjou/ Alo)
You might feel THIS way if...
You are sitting in class, done with your work, and your teacher says you cannot talk or use your cell phone. (You get to sit there quietly)
Are they feeling mad, happy, or sad?
Bonus: Which character is this?
Sad (Bubbles: Powder Puff Girls)
You might feel THIS way if...
You are forced to eat something you hate.
Disgusted, grossed out, angry
You might feel THIS way if...
a serial killer is chasing you!!!
Scared, Fearful
How do you know they are sad?
They are crying. (Feeling blue)
How do you say Yes?
Ki jan ou di ______?
Yes (Wi)
You might feel THIS way if...
You score the winning goal in your soccer game!
Happy, Proud, or Excited!
Are they feeling mad, happy, or sad?
Bonus: Which character is this?
Happy (Mickey Mouse)
You might feel THIS way if...
The power is out and you have nothing to do.
You might feel THIS way if...
your little brother breaks your favorite toy.
Mad, Annoyed, Sad
What is he feeling?
Mad, angry
How do you say Thank YOU?
Ki jan ou di ______?
Thank you (mèsi)
You might feel THIS way if...
You fall and scrape your knee. It's sting and you can see blood.
Pain, Hurt
Are they feeling mad, happy, or sad?
Bonus: Which Character?
Mad (Donald Duck)
True or False: When you are sad, tears come out of your mouth.
You might feel THIS way if...
A friend gives you a random gift on a Tuesday for no reason.
Are they feeling disappointed or excited?
How do you say Soccer?
Ki jan ou di ______?
Soccer (foutbòl)
You might feel THIS way if...
Your boyfriend dumps you on Valentine's Day. You're sitting at home crying.
Are they feeling pain, excited, or bored?
Bonus: What show is this character from?
Excited (Show: Ed, Edd, and Eddy)
You might feel THIS way if...
Someone got you a new iPad.
Thankful, grateful, happy
You might feel THIS way if...
Your dog dies.
Is she feeling excited or nervous?
What is your name? Kijan ou rele?
You might feel THIS way if...
You found out the other team only won because they cheated.
Mad, Frustrated
Happy, Grumpy, Sneezy, Bashful, Dopey, and Sleepy are characters in what movie?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
What are you grateful for today?
Thank you for sharing! :)
What makes you mad?
Thank you for sharing!
Is Spiderman feeling bored or in pain?
Is Iron Man feeling grief or gracious?
Iron Man-Grief
What is your teacher's name?
Kijan pwofesè ou rele?
Ms. Bennett (Madam Bennett)