Name that emotion
Express yourself
The science of it all
Emotional Regulation
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What emotion is on display here 

Mark slams his car door shut, his face tight with frustration. He just got off the phone with his boss, who once again scheduled him for a weekend shift without asking. Mark clenches his fists as he walks into his house, his footsteps heavy. When his roommate casually asks, "Rough day?" Mark snaps, his voice raised, "You have no idea! Why can’t people just respect my time for once?" His shoulders tense, and he paces back and forth,

Anger, Annoyance, Frustration


Describe a what you might feel physically when you are angry 

Gut pain, Warm/Overheated, tense, overwhelmed, etc. 


What Neurotransmitter (Brain Chemical) is responsible for happiness?



What's an effective breathing method to help cope and manage stress/frustration

Box breathing


What 1989 movie stars Michael Keaton as a DC Comics superhero?



What emotion is on display 

Sophie’s eyes light up as she reads the email on her phone. A huge smile spreads across her face, and she jumps up from the couch, unable to sit still. “I got the job! I got the job!” she shouts, her voice full of excitement. She immediately calls her best friend, barely able to contain her joy as she says, “You won’t believe it! They just offered me the position!” Her laughter bubbles over, and she can’t stop grinning as she talks about all the new possibilities ahead.

Happiness, Excitement, joy


How does someone typically show they are sad?

Crying, isolating, slouched shoulders, frowning, etc.


What Neurotransmitter (Brain Chemical) is responsible for motivation, pleasure, and satisfaction



What is an effective mode to cope with nervous or anxious feelings when you don't know what to do with your hands? 

Fidgets, slime, pickpads, etc. 


In 1992, what disney animated motion picture was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar?

Beauty and the Beast


What emotion is on display 

Lisa watches from across the room as her coworker, Jenna, receives praise from their boss for the project they both worked on. Lisa forces a smile, but her stomach churns as she listens to the compliments Jenna is getting. She shifts uncomfortably, her mind racing with thoughts about how hard she worked too. "I put in just as much effort," she thinks, feeling a tightness in her chest as she glances down at the stack of papers in front of her, suddenly feeling overlooked.

Jealousy, envy, resentment

How can emotional expression affect relationships?

Damage or strengthen, defines relationship, establishes boundaries, develop communication, creates support, etc.


What is the Stress chemical our body produces?



What is a daily exercise/practice to regulate emotions 

Meditation, Journaling, exercise, speaking with a friend, attending therapy, sleeping on schedule, morning routine, etc. 


In 2003, what Austrian-born actor became California’s governor?

Arnold Schwarzenegger


What emotion is on display 

Tom fidgets with the corner of his presentation notes, his hands shaking slightly. As he approaches the podium, he clears his throat, his voice wavering as he begins to speak. He avoids making eye contact with the audience, his face pale and his palms sweaty. Despite his efforts to sound confident, his words come out in a hurried rush, and he repeatedly glances at the clock, eager for the moment to pass.

nervous, Shyness, Bashful


What are some healthy modes of emotional expression?

Art, poetry, dancing, singing/music, journaling, mindfulness, empathy, identifying your emotions,etc. 


True or false: You can never have too much dopamine 


Too much of a good thing can be bad. Without regulation of this chemical people may make further risky decisions and possibly be more aggressive in other aspects of life. 


Why might emotional regulation be important?

controls impulses, uses wise mind, makes us thoughtful in our actions, allows us to assess the whole situation, improves our attention


What year was the first Apple iPhone released in the United States?



What emotion is on display 

Jenna sinks into the cozy armchair by the window, a content sigh escaping her lips as she sips her cup of tea. Her shoulders, previously tense, now drop with ease. She closes her eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth of the sun streaming in and the gentle hum of a nearby playlist. A peaceful smile spreads across her face as she curls up with her favorite book, feeling completely at ease in the tranquil afternoon.

Calm, Relaxed, Serene


 What are some functions of our emotions 

Motivates, builds relationships, builds identity, identify values, builds memories, 


What is the estimated amount of neurons found on an adult human brain 

85 million neurons 


What are some ways to prepare for when we might experience more big/intense emotions 

identify triggers, keep fidget items near, healthy diet, sleep schedule, self care


Michelle Yeoh took him a Best Actress Oscar in 2023 for her role in what film?

Everything everywhere all at once