Impulse Control
Managing Anger

What is something you can do when you feel the urge to act without thinking?

*Take a deep breath and count to 10

*Think of your happy place

*Mindfulness exercise 


What activity can help release extra energy?

What is going for a run or doing physical exercise?


It’s important to remember that not everything will always be ____.

What is fair?


This skill helps you understand how someone else feels

What is empathy?


When you’re angry, this is a good way to calm down before reacting

What is taking deep breaths or walking away for a moment?


What is one possible consequence of acting without thinking about others?

Hurt someone's feelings or get in trouble 


What is a good way to focus your energy when you can’t move around?

What is using a fidget tool or doodling?


Sometimes people get different things because they have different ___.

What are needs or situations?


When a friend is sad, this is something kind you can do to show you care.

What is listening or asking how they feel?


It’s okay to feel angry, but not okay to do this.

What is hurt others with words or actions?


This helps you understand how your actions affect other people

Empathy, considering the impact of your actions, etc.


When sitting still is hard, taking this can help calm your body.

What is taking a deep breath or doing a quick stretch


What is a good way to handle it when you feel something isn’t fair?

What is talking to someone calmly about it?


This is how you can tell if someone might need help, even if they don’t say it.

What is looking at their body language or facial expressions?


A healthy way to express anger is by doing this instead of yelling.

What is using ‘I’ statements like ‘I feel upset when...’?


What is the STOP strategy?

  • S – Stop: When you feel like doing something without thinking, like yelling, rushing, or acting out, first stop yourself. Just pause for a moment.

  • T – Think: Ask yourself, "What am I feeling right now?" and "What might happen if I act on this impulse?" This helps you think about the situation and possible outcomes.

  • O – Observe: Take a look at what’s going on around you and inside you. How are others reacting? What are you feeling? This helps you observe the situation and your emotions more clearly.

  • P – Proceed: After stopping, thinking, and observing, now you can make a choice. Proceed in a way that’s going to be helpful, not hurtful—for yourself and others.


This kind of activity allows you to use energy in a positive way.

What is playing a sport or dancing?


This is the difference between what’s fair and what feels fair.

What is fairness is about balance, not always getting the same thing?


When someone else is feeling angry, you can help by doing this.

What is staying calm and not taking it personally?


This activity can help you release anger in a healthy way.

What is writing in a journal or talking to a trusted adult?


What did the pig say on a hot summer day?

I'm bacon


What happens when ice cream gets angry?

It has a meltdown


What do you call a fake spaghetti?

An impasta


Why did the fast cat get suspended from school?

Because he was a cheetah?

Say something nice about your brother and sister

Say something nice!