Emotional Reactions
Emotional Intelligence
Identifying Emotions
Coping Skills
What's that Emotion?

You might feel THIS way if...

Someone gives you the best gift EVER.

Excited or Happy


What do you do if you someone tells you they don't want to be your friend anymore?

Respect their boundaries. 

Give them space and time. When they are ready to talk then you can talk.


You may feel this when you can't think straight and you are overwhelmed with all of your emotions at once

Anxious or Anxiety


Quincy didn't get picked for this years basketball team? What are the emotions he may feel and how can he cope to make himself feel better?

May feel: Embarassed, Upset, Angry or Jealous 

He Can: Wait until his feelings are more neutral and then ask the coach what he can do to improve. Continue to practice and not give up. 


What is feeling gratitude? 

feeling thankful for everything you have, even if you don't have much.


You might feel THIS way if...

You have to stand up to someone who is bulling you.

Nervous or Scared


Describe what the feeling "calm" means to you

Peaceful, breathing normally, chilled, focused, body and mind is relaxed


You might feel THIS way if...

You have nothing to do.



Name 3 things you can do to cope with anger

What is deep breathing, go for a walk, count to 10, sing, punch a pillow, run around outside, talk it out


What is feeling content?

Feeling happy and satisfied with what you have


You might feel THIS way if...

There is no one to talk with



True or False: Money is the most important factor for happiness.

False- While financial stability can contribute to happiness, it's not the only factor and may not guarantee happiness. 


You might feel THIS way if...

Someone is saying mean things about someone you know and you're not sure what to say.

Uncomfortable and confused or embarrased


Layla heard her friends in the bathroom talking about her hair and clothes in a negative way?

How may she feel? What can she do to make herself feel better?

Layla may feel betrayed, hurt upset or embarrassed. 

Layla can let them know she heard them and that what they said wasn't ok. 

Layla can tell a trusted adult. 

Layla can not let what they said affect her self esteem by continuing to be who she is authentically. 


What is being kind?

Being nice and friendly to others, like sharing toys or helping someone.


You might feel THIS way if...

You think someone has disrespected you

Anry, Upset or Want to retaliate


What do you do if someone calls you an inappropriate word?

Make them aware that what they said is not right and that it hurt your feelings even if they were joking and make sure they know that what they said to you was not right. 

You do not have to be their friend if they continue being mean. 

You can always talk to a trusted adult to help.


You might feel THIS way if...

Someone helped you when you really needed it most

Thankful, grateful, happy


Miguel parents recently got divorced and is having trouble sleeping because of the recent change in his home. 

What can Miguel do to help him cope with his feelings?

Miguel can always talk to someone he trusts. Remember you do not have to go through your emotions alone. 

Miguel can turn his pain into a passion project (writing, journaling, art, painting music, playing sports etc.) 


What is feeling Ennui?

Feeling dissatisfied and bored.


You might feel THIS way if...

You think something bad might happen. 

Worried or Anxious


How can you tell how someone is feeling?

Through facial expressions, body language, or by them telling you

You might feel THIS way if...

You're sweating, high pulse rate, upset stomach/butterflies in stomach.

Terrified, scared, anxious


Meditating, taking a nap, listening to music, journaling, going for a walk are examples of 

coping skills


What is the feeling of euphoria? 

Feeling super excited and feeling like you're flying high.