Emotions give us information VS Emotions are pointless reactions
Emotions give us information!
Which emotions can cause your heart to beat fast?
Excited, scared, mad
If I feel anxious, it must mean that something bad is about to happen
Think of words that mean:
A little happy (1 out of 10)
Somewhat happy (5 out of 10)
Very happy (10 out of 10)
1: pleased, calm, content, glad
5: cheerful, grateful, satisfied
10: joyful, excited, ecstatic
There is one right way to feel in any situation
False! People often react differently to the same situation
Emotions are expressed only on your face VS
Emotions are expressed through your face, tone of voice, and body posture
Emotions are expressed through facial expressions, tone of voice, and body posture!
Which emotions can cause you to cry?
Sad, frustrated/disappointed, really happy
Anxiety is caused by your brain trying to protect you from danger
Think of words that mean:
A little sad (1 out of 10)
Somewhat sad (5 out of 10)
Very sad (10 out of 10)
1: disappointed, down, blue
2: gloomy, glum, depressed, hurt
3: heartbroken, devastated, despair
Even if I feel emotions, I can still be in control
True! Having emotions means you're a normal human being and we have ways to manage them
Emotions are something we choose to feel OR Emotions automatically occur to prepare us for action
(ex. we choose to feel startled by a loud sound VS we automatically jump when we hear a loud sound)
Emotions automatically occur to prepare us for action!
Which emotions can give you a headache?
Stress/worry, fear, frustration
When our brain senses danger, it releases adrenaline to get our body ready to fight, flight, or freeze
Think of words that mean:
A little angry (1 out of 10)
Somewhat angry (5 out of 10)
Very angry (10 out of 10)
1: annoyed, resentful, offended
5: frustrated, irritable, exasperated
10: furious, enraged, fuming
Negative feelings are bad and destructive
False! They are natural and are sending you an important message
Emotions tell only us how we feel and/or Emotions communicate how we feel to others as well
Emotions communicate to others how we feel (through our facial expressions, tone of voice, and actions!)
Which emotions can make you want to get up and move around?
Excitement, nervousness, anger, boredom
Our "ancient" brain knows the difference between true danger (kidnapper) and stress (taking a test)
Think of words that mean:
A little afraid (1 out of 10)
Somewhat afraid (5 out of 10)
Very afraid (10 out of 10)
1: shy, nervous, worried
5: anxious, frightened, scared
10: terrified, horrified, panicked
False! I have every right to feel how I feel, no matter what other people think
Emotions are facts VS Emotions aren't always true
(example: I'm afraid, so there must be danger VS I'm afraid, but maybe I'm actually ok)
Emotions aren't always true!
Which emotions can make you feel sweaty?
Anxiety can cause permanent damage to your body and brain
Think of words that mean:
A little restless (1 out of 10)
Somewhat restless (5 out of 10)
Very restless (10 out of 10)
1: fidgety, antsy
5: distracted, agitated
10: uneasy, unsettled, on edge
Letting people know that I feel bad isn't a weakness
True - it's a healthy way to communicate and get help when you need it