Empathy II
Identify the Feeling
Identify the Feeling II
Supportive Comments

True/ False: Empathy is about focusing on yourself and not others.



What would a world without empathy look like?

Negative, selfishness, rude


At lunch, Gina accidentally got ketchup all over her clothes. How might Gina feel?

Embarrassed, uncomfortable, nervous, upset


Dennis got recognized as the Student of the Month for his awesome behavior and hard work. How might he be feeling?

Excited, happy, proud, thankful, surprised


What could you say to show empathy? Your friend has won every round of the game you are playing.

Wow! You're really good at this. 

How did you get so good at this?

You are talented.


What adjectives could be used to describe a person who shows empathy to others?

Kind, caring, thoughtful, understanding and respectful


When you disagree with someone, how can you show empathy?

Try to understand and/or see things from their point of view


Kelly's mom just told her that her grandma fell and is in the hospital. How might Kelly be feeling?

Shocked, sad, worried, confused, guilty


A classmate was chosen to sing a solo in the talent show. During the performance, she went blank in front of the entire audience. How might she be feeling?

Embarrassed, shocked, confused, devastated, upset


Your best friend is really excited because he just got a new character skin in Fortnite that you have always wanted. What could you say?

Great job, I know you worked so hard to get it!, Congratulations!, That's awesome!, I am really excited for you!


What is perspective taking?

Being able to see a situation from someone else’s point of view.


True/False:  Empathy can be taught?



George asked Henry to borrow a pencil. Henry said, "No, I don't share with people like you."  How do you think George might feel?

Upset, embarrassed, hurt, sad, confused


Someone is constantly getting teased at recess for being slow while playing tag. How might they feel?

Sad, irritated, ashamed, nervous


What could you say to show empathy? Your sister's friends left a huge mess in her room.

I'd be upset if my friends made a mess in my room and didn't clean it up.

I'll help you clean this up.

I know how a messy room bothers you.

How can I help?


Define the word Empathy

The ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person's situation.


Why is empathy important?

Empathy is important because it helps you to know how to respond to others in a helpful way. It also strengthens relationships. 


Victor studied really hard for his math test. When they got the results, he was the only person in his class to get a perfect score. How might Victor be feeling?

Excited, proud, happy, relieved


Your teammate missed two wide-open shots which ended up costing your team the game. How might they be feeling?

Embarrassed, sad, angry, disappointed, ashamed


What could you say to show empathy? Your friend received a brand new video game for his/her birthday.

That's awesome!, Congratulations! I'm so glad you got the game you were wanting


What are some things you can do to practice empathy? 

1. Pay attention to peoples feeling

2. Think before you speak and act

3. Realize everyone is different

4. Stand up for others


How can you tell how someone is feeling. (What are some indicators?)

Expressions, body language, situations


At school, Chloe got made fun of all day because she had a hole in the sleeve of her uniform shirt. How might she be feeling?

Upset, sad, frustrated, embarrassed


Joe is a quiet student who is known for always behaving well. Today he made an inappropriate joke in class that made all of his classmates erupt in laughter, but he got in trouble with the teacher and missed recess. How might he be feeling?

Confused, conflicted, worried, proud


What could you say to show empathy? Your friend was nervous to read in front of the whole group and started stuttering. Everyone started to laugh.

I'd have a hard time reading in front of all these people too. I know it can be hard to get in front of a big group.