Is it Empathy?
Act it Out
Identify the feelings
Is the statement Kind?

Listening to how the other person is feeling

What is yes. Listening shows you care and want to understand how the person is feeling


What do you look like when you're feeling frustrated?

Answers may vary but some responses may be (crossed arms, eye brows pointed down, straight mouth)


Michelle really wanted to play kickball at recess but when she asked to join in none of the students wanted her on their team. How might Michelle be feeling?

Sad, disappointed, angry, frustrated, hurt 


The ability to understand and share another's feelings 

What is Empathy


It's not that big of a deal. Is this a kind statement?

What is No.  In order to show empathy you have to make an effort to understand how others are feeling even if you may feel differently. Just because something is not a big deal to you does not mean it isn't a big deal to others. 


Making it about you and your feelings

What is no. This can cause friendship problems because others may feel your not listening to them and that their feelings don't matter to you


What do you look like when you're feeling nervous?

Answers may vary but some responses may be (wide eyes, pinched mouth, hands to mouth, high eyebrows)

During recess Ben tells Tom " You can't be on my team because you're the worst football player! You never catch anything!' How is Tom feeling?

What is Embarrassed, hurt, disappointed, angry, sad


______ are clues that others give us about what they may be feeling 

What is body language 


Is there anything that I can do to help you? Is this a kind statement?

What is yes. This shows others that you care about their feelings and want to help them have a better experience.


Giving advice on how to make things better

What is no. Students may not always want advice they may just want you to listen. It is okay to give advice if they ask you for it but you shouldn't just offer it. What may work for you to make things better may not work for others. 


How do you look when you're feeling disappointed?

Answers may vary but some responses may be (head down, frown, slouching body, moving slowly)


Amy was really excited to go to library because there was a new book she really wanted to check out. When Amy went to get the book Lucas had already checked it out. How is Amy feeling?

What is disappointed, sad, frustrated 


Being friendly, generous, and considerate of others feelings 

What is Kindness


Stop being a cry baby. Is this a kind statement?

What is no. This statement makes others feel that their feelings are not important. Feeling sad or upset does not make a person a baby just because you may not have the same feelings. Those feelings are normal and everyone has the right to experience those feelings without being made fun of. 


Allowing others to feel their feelings without being made fun of

What is yes. One of the kindest most empathic things you can do for another person is to let them feel their feelings. If you try to tell a person how they should feel it makes them think your not understanding or respecting them

How do you look when your feeling sad?

Answers may vary but some responses may be (head down, frowning, moving slowing, hanging heads, crying)


Lenny is a new student and does not know anyone at school. During recess everyone has someone to play but him so he just walks around by himself the whole recess. How is Lenny feeling?

What is lonely, bored, sad, nervous 


Why is it important to understand someone else's perspective? 

What is so you can understand what they are feeling and are more prepared to help them or give them what they need


You seem frustrated what can I do? Is this a kind statement

What is yes. You are acknowledging that your classmate is having a strong feeling. Sometimes just knowing that you care about how they are feeling will help to make them feel a bit better.


Letting them know you are there for them

What is yes. 


How do you look when you're feeling proud?

Answers may vary but some responses may be (smiling, shoulders high, arms in the air, )


Max was giving a presentation and blanked on what to say in front of the whole class. How is Max feeling?

What is embarrassed. 


True or false: You can still show empathy for a person even if you disagree with their feelings

What is true. You do not have to agree with the persons feelings to understand what it is like to have that feeling


No one cares. Is this a kind statement?

What is no. This statement makes others feel like they are not important and that their feelings do not matter. We want to have a welcoming and inclusive school community and that starts with making sure everyone feels heard even if you do not agree with what is being said.